chapter 8 - revenge

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Taehyun goes and asks everyone to gather
Today we cannot make any mistakes, today the day has come for which we all were waiting for so long time - revenge.

in the meeting room( with txt members)

Taehyun - so here the plan is by now he must have realized that someone is going to kill him, so we can hack his computer, right? I will try my best not to let them know but I can't say anything

Soobin -Even if they find out, it doesn't matter anymore

Taehyun - Okay then kai, I told you to get the map of his house, did you get it?
Kai - hmm yes here

Now they read the map of their house

Beomgyu - There are only two ways to go into the house, first is the back door which is locked from inside, so if we cannot go from there, we will have to go only through the main gate.

Taehyun - Yes but we are not sure how much security there is so I need at least 2 hours to hack the security of their house.

Soobin got impatient but nodded his head( a little sour scent) .

Kai -OK, look here hyung if we look carefully at the map of this house, there are not many cameras and if you look carefully, it seems that more than half of the security has been installed at one site only.

Beomgyu - This doesn't fit right, maybe it's his son's room so we should hack the cameras of this site.

Taehyun and soobin - Noo they looked at him like he was the biggest idiot in the world.

Taehyun - This is very risky and we do not have that much time, if we have to hack then we will have to do it on another site where the security is less.

Soobin - taehyun starts your work
Soobin - and kai Do me a favor before we go there, find out where all those people are, I need to know how many people are in his house right now take some people with you

Kai - okay

Soobin -gyu I asked you to gather some information about his son did you find something

Beomgyu - No, he has not let anyone know anything about his son, there is nothing about him on any social media, any platform.

Soobin sighs - he tries very hard to prevent anyone from finding anything about his son. What should I do now

After some time

Taehyun( takes a deep breath )- His house not only has surveillance cameras but also other securities like Glass break detectors and motion sensors.
It is very difficult to hack the security of his entire house, we will have to find some other way.
Soobin - Can't you do this for a while, even 20 minutes will be enough.

Taehyun - I can try but it is very difficult, will it be okay if I do it for 10 minutes?

Soobin -  yes , Any minute will do, I don't care, I just have to get inside his house somehow, leave the rest to me.

Taehyun - Soobin hyung Can I just make a request can't you just give us one more day please .Everyone is very tired. It is very difficult to do everything in one day. If no one takes rest then how will we execute this plan?

Soobin sighsok ,I know it is difficult. I was angry at him at that time but now I am okay so we will rest tonight and go there tomorrow.

Taehyun - Really thank you so much and on behalf of everyone else I promise that there will be no mistake with tomorrow's plans.

Soobin - hmm I hope so because if someone commits any mistake  tomorrow then there can be no forgiveness for his mistake.
But we will discuss all these things later. Now you do your work and I do mine.

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