Army of Shadows

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Hey guys, thought I might try my luck at a story...though this time it's a short story!!!!

Hope you enjoy!!!!!!!!

Copyright ©the_inevitable_wish


Army of Shadows

I hid under the warm, soft duve shivering from the cold air that circulated in the room. They were coming for me, I could feel them staring at my small, fragile figure from outside my locked window. Every time lightning would strike and light up my pitch black room I could see there shadows moving ever closer to unlocking the window and ripping me from my warm, secure bed.

Thunder broke the silence, roaring letting everyone know that they were not safe from them. They were going to take me from everything, tonight I was not safe from them; my lips went dry by the uneven breathe that never seemed to fill my lungs. I looked around the small boyish room frantically, searching for a weapon that could protect me tonight, if they came for me then I will be prepared.

The bedside table had a clock that read 10:00 pm in red blocks and a book that mum read before tucking me in. The chest full of plastic trucks, stuffed dinosaurs and building blocks would be no match against them. The lightning strikes once again lighting the room a dull silverish-white, my head jerked to the mirror draped on the wooden door of my cupboard that was open.

The image in the frame looked like a ghost pale, pasty skin almost translucent, with purple nearly blue lips that looked frozen and cold. The boys hair was raven black and tousled from moving around a lot, his ice blue eyes shone with fright; he knew what was coming, though he was not prepared to fight against them. I stared at the mirror and its reflection of me.

I kept searching for the ever precious weapon that would protect me, I slowly pulled my leg out of the blanket and slipped from the soft bed to thump against the hard wooden floor boards. I got into the position on my hands and feet, I shuffled from the protectiveness of my giant bed. Lying low my stomach grazing against the wood, my night shirt lifted revealing the sensitive skin to the harsh ice that has been soaked into the floor.

My eyes darting around the room until they fall on the shining plastic objects in the middle of the cramped space. I army crawled to the centre and grabbed hold of the plastic sword and shield that I got for a present at Christmas time. Holding the solid object close to my chest I followed the same trail that I came, climbing on top of the toy chest in front of my bed and then finally under the cover of my bed.

Holding onto the sword and shield tightly while my knuckles turned an unearthly white. "I can do this, they will not hurt me tonight, I'll fight them and then stand proud in victory" I kept repeating this to myself as a mantra. I could feel the confidence and self belief warming my frozen blood, if I listened close enough I could hear the cracking and washing away of the fright.

The wind started beating against the window each time hitting with a stronger force than before. My eyes grew wider with shock, they're coming now, I clutched the sword with both hands dropping the shield to the floor. I crawled out of the quilt and slowly stood with shaking legs, I was swaying dangerously but somehow stood my ground.

Lightning flashed in even time and each time their shadows, which seemed more than a hundred, came marching closer and closer until my wall opposite the window turned black and nothing could be seen. The wind kept barging against the locked window, playing tug-a-war and then the window gave way and the wind swept in without any hesitation. It danced around my small body rocking me of balanced, I fought the wind with everything I had until I saw them marching their way into my bed room. My legs shook with fear, I knew I couldn't do it this time, I dropped the sword and I heard it clatter to the floor.

I jumped of the bed and raced down the warm corridors that my mum walked me through a couple hours ago, trying to find my parents room while in panic was like trying to find them in a giant supermarket. I reached the end of the corridor their shadows creeping up on the walls, my breathing hitched with panic, I fumbled with the door knob, I looked back down the corridor and they were inches away from me.

I heard the click in the door knob and swung it open and race for the light, illuminating the room they shrank back into the darkness. I ran onto my parents bed and shook them awake "What honey?" mother said groggily. "They were here tonight again mama, I tried fighting them but they're too scary and dark!" I screamed in hysterics, my dad turned and gave a small smile "I'll fight them tonight and then you have to go to bed, Ben" he rolled out and walked out robotically.

My mum pulled the cover for me to jump in which I obliged, I snuggled against her warm body, soaking the warmth for myself and slowly my eyes became heavy. I heard my dad shuffle into the room and crawl under the blankets "The window was open but the trees were making shadows against the wall" my dad informed my mum, "He'll learn to not be afraid of the dark, Adam" my mum said while stroking my hair. "They were real, I swear" I mumbled then sank into the safety of sleep.


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