Chapter One:Horror At The Graveyard

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   Mai just stood there staring but she could not see anything. Her mind was unable to comprehend what she was looking at. She could not believe it, well she should have expected it but still it did not change the fact that her grandfather was dead.
   Mai had never been afraid of death in her entire life but losing someone that close to her had opened her eyes, she hated death. Why is it that we live just to die? it's not fair. Who gets to decide who live's and who doesn't? All of this because one man sent us into oblivion, well to hell with him.
   "Hey, Mai it's time to go I hope you've said your goodbyes", said her mother. Grandpa Shikoto was Makima's father, she loved him very much that she even named her son after him and she always loved taking Shikoto and Mai to his house to have some fun and Mai cherished those moments, moments that will never repeat themselves.
   "Yes, I'm done let's go I have to prepare for school."
   "School?", she said as though she was  confused, "Are you sure you'll be able to go? I could ask your teachers to give you some time off I'm sure they'll understand."
   "How I would love to finish school but I don't have much time left for me to study for my exams. These exams are very important so I need to pass them."
   "Well if you need help we are all here for you we need to stick together so that we can heal as a family", Makima said reassuringly. Makima was always the reassuring type. She had these eyes that just give off a calming aura as if you'll always be protected when you were around her. Mai always felt like everything was going to be alright when she was with her.
   "Speaking of family where is Shikoto anyway?"
   "Hmm come to think of it I haven't seen him in a while. Hey honey where is Shikoto?", she asked Shida
   "Huh, I thought he was with you."
   "Well clearly he isn't so find him it's about to start raining soon", she said sounding a bit frustrated.
   "Honey relax I'm sure he is just somewhere here playing around."
   "Playing? At the graveyard? With no friends? While it is showering? Does that make sense to you?."
   "Jeez, you don't have to say it like that."
   "Sorry honey I'm just really worried about him."
   "Makima don't worry just go to the car with Mai and I'll find him and bring him here, okay?"
   "Thank you my love, I love you."
   "I love you too my love bye", he said and then he departed.
   Mai never really  understood the relationship of Makima and Shida. They always seemed to get on each other's nerves but their love for each other goes beyond that, it was weird.
   "Dad really gets on your nerves, doesn't he?", Mai said as we were walking to the car.
   "Oh you have no idea, I don't know if he is just stupid or what, he annoys me but I can never get over the obsession I have for him. I love him so much."
   "Well I can see the love you guys have for each other. How long did you guys court for before you got married?"
    "If I tell you will you keep it a secret?"
    " Of course I will."
    " Your father and I actually started dating when we were sixteen years old."
    "No way, that's crazy", Mai said," So that means I can start dating now since I'm seventeen, right?
   "Sure,If you want to die", she said in a calmly scary way.
   "Eish, I'm going to decline that offer."
   "What happened to her inviting eyes?", Mai mumbled to herself.
   Shida searched the entire graveyard for Shikoto but he could not see him. He tried calling out his name but still no response until he reached  the deepest part of the graveyard and he heard someone calling out his name. He immediately realized that it was his twin sister, Heine , who was screaming out his name frantically. He followed her screams until he finally caught sight of her. When he looked at her he immediately asked why she was screaming but her face was in utter shock and terror. She just mumbled and she could not enunciate her words properly. Shida wondered if the reason behind her current state was because of Shikoto, so he asked her if she had seen him and she pointed a finger towards a tree. Shida went to check why she was pointing at that tree and he was met with a gruesome scene. Shikoto was behind the tree with stab wounds around his body  and he was about to die.

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