Chapter 29 (alt ending)

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Hey everybody. This is an alternative ending for anyone who doesn't like how the main story is going. I'm sorry for that, but it's my story so deal with it (im just kidding). There might not be as many inconsistencies even if you read this one over the other because it's still going to be awkward between both characters.

I suggest you go back and read the editors note at the end though 🌸

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"I'm going to die," I groaned as I face planted into the snow. It's our third day of training and I already wanted to chop my arms off. They were as heavy as lead, even after the first day. If that wasn't bad enough, it started to snow as well. I lifted my head and glared at Tomioka for making me work in these conditions.

"Relax, you'll be fine," he got me some water and I quickly gulped it down. We had already finished training, and the sun had started to set.

I undid my hair and put it up again, so I could avoid looking like a fool while we talked. "If we keep this up, I'll be afraid of moving my body more than big strong men," I joked; he didn't find it amusing.

"Knowing you, you'd get into trouble in the next few days. How many fights has it been? Two?" We walked over to the porch and sat down. The lanterns had been turned on by Sabito an hour ago, before he went inside.

"Three. I mean yeah two," I gnawed at my lip. I just slipped up and I knew he was going to pick up on that.


I sighed, "Yeah, there were these girls picking a fight."

I think he could tell I wouldn't tell him anymore, so he let it go. "Okay well, let's go one more time and we're done for today," he stood up quickly.

"But you said that was the last one!" I threw my hands in the air in frustration. "Just admit it, you like pummeling me into the ground."

He pleaded at me with his eyes. He wasn't the type of person to beg, it would bruise his ego severely. And of course, I couldn't say no if he looked at me like that, "Fine. One time."

I stood up and followed him out unto the middle of the yard. Before he could take his stance, I rushed towards him, trying to catch him off guard and get this all over with. He grabbed my right wrist and dodged my left arm that I swung at him. He didn't mind me going all out.

I twisted behind his back for him to release my wrist, and he did. I tried punching him from behind, but he turned around, kicked my foot and then hit me in the back with his elbow. Of course, I fell to the ground in an instant. It wasn't fair. He repeatedly told me he was going easy on me, but that was a lie. Or he was just more experienced and a boy. I hated to admit it, but boys just have the physical advantage, which was so stupid.

"Again," I stated, standing up and brushing off the snow from my legs.

"Are you sure?" He looked down at my leg, "I kicked you pretty hard on accident."

I only noticed once he told me. I stumbled forward and winced at the pain I felt. He quickly held on to me and my head landed on his chest. We stood there for a few seconds before he broke the silence, "Are you okay?"

I could hear his breathing calm down, and the way his heartbeat in his chest. It was so calming that I suddenly felt exhausted. "Yeah, I'm okay," I looked up at him as I tried to stand on my own, but he still held tightly on to me. I stared into his eyes for a second. Mesmerized by the way his skin glowed in the pale moonlight, and the way the sweat dripped down his neck. It was all too much, and I felt my own heartbeat accelerate.

I don't know what made me do it, but I grabbed a loose strand of his hair and put it behind his ear, "I like your hair like this. It shows off your face."

I looked back into his eyes, the silence carrying on for a while. A long while. I saw his lips part and realized mine did the same. I broke eye contact first, to look down at his lips before meeting his eyes once more. I should have done something different in that moment, I should've stopped myself, but my body was no longer mine. It only responded to the boy in front of me, to the one I felt a desire for deep down that I refused to acknowledge.

I stood on my toes so I could kiss him. I closed my eyes but instead of my lips meeting his, they met his hand. I opened my eyes once again and saw the tenderness in his eyes. I knew he had feelings for me too by the way he looked at me, but he wasn't ready. His actions said that much.

Nonetheless, I was extremely grateful he had stopped me before I did something utterly stupid. Before I turned into something I so desperately hated, before I hated myself.

I stood back, putting some space between us. Had I ruined our friendship? Even if he was ready in the future, I couldn't be with him, and I couldn't give him the reason without putting Akaza in danger.

My face felt hot, I was absolutely embarrassed. The reality finally sunk in. I got rejected, even if it was temporarily. I cleared my through before speaking.

"I should get going," I waited until he said something, anything.

"Okay," He seemed to understand, he always knew what to do.

I packed my things and rushed out of there.

It Started at the Temple {Akaza x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now