Turbulent Skies

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Aisha's tears fell like rain as the plane soared through the clouds, leaving Hyderabad's memories behind. In just four years she had fallen in love with this city: as much as she fell in love with Udbhav, someone she never thought would be such a delight to live with. And today:the doctor's words still echoed in her mind like a haunting melody: "Udbhav has no more than a month left." The thought of living without him was unbearable, a weight crushing her chest. She rushed out of the cab and headed straight to the check in. As she hastily looked for her boarding pass, she found the polaroid pictures she took with Udbhav in Hampi. Tears rushed down her cheeks and her face, turned red.

As she gazed out the window, the vast expanse of sky seemed to mirror her emotions - turbulent and endless. The clouds, once a brilliant white, now appeared grey and foreboding, like her future without Udbhav. She felt lost, alone, and scared, a small boat adrift in a stormy sea. And it was the sea they promised to cruise through together, forever. Udbhav loved to just sit for hours and gaze at the skies, and she always found it stupid: but she would gaze at him instead. And today, every cloud seemed to be parting ways: she wished she could make it stay.

Her phone buzzed nonstop: she took it out, annoyed. A constant reminder of the loved ones waiting to offer comfort. Missed calls from his colleagues, they had been supportive throughout. His family, her friends and family. But how could they understand her pain? The messages and calls from friends and family were a blur, a cacophony of concern and condolences. She couldn't bear to respond, couldn't find the words to express the anguish that gripped her heart. It was a sense of an impending doom: slowly inching towards her inevitably.

Among the flurry of messages, one name caught her eye - Charu. Her colleague from her first office, her confidante, her partner in crime. Charu's words on the screen were a gentle nudge: "Aisha, come back to Delhi once it's all over. You can't stay alone in Hyderabad. You need us, your friends and family, to help you through this. Love, Charu."

Aisha's heart swelled with gratitude. Charu always knew exactly what to say. But the thought of leaving Udbhav's side, even after he was gone, felt like a betrayal. How could she move on without him? The memories of their life together, their laughter, their adventures, their quiet moments, were all she had left. She regretted her decisions so much: Udbhav always insisted that they planned a child: she wanted to wait for a while to cherish her love for him, to pamper him like her child. Her tears just wouldn't stop.

As the plane hit turbulence, Aisha's emotions churned like the air pockets outside. She felt like she was drowning in a sea of grief, unable to find a lifeline. The seatbelt sign flickered, and she mechanically fastened hers, her mind a million miles away. Someplace she's never even been.

Udbhav's smile flashed before her eyes - his bright, infectious smile that had captured her heart. She remembered their first meeting, their first date post marriage, their first kiss. She was heartbroken, and he came in to save her from herself. He made her fall in love, and this time it was so fulfilling that she always thanked God for putting them together. The memories were bittersweet, a reminder of what she'd soon lose. She started browsing through their honeymoon pictures. A fading, pale smile made her face look so dull, that otherwise shone like the moon.

The flight attendant's gentle voice broke the spell, offering a warm smile and a box of tissues. Aisha accepted both, her tears flowing anew. She felt like she was shedding a part of herself, leaving her heart behind in Hyderabad.

As the plane began its descent into Delhi, Aisha steeled herself for the days ahead. She'd face the world, for Udbhav's sake, but her heart would remain with him, always. The thought of returning to their home, their bed, without him, was unbearable. But she knew she had to be strong, for Udbhav, for their loved ones, and for herself.

The plane touched down, and Aisha collected her belongings, her movements mechanical. She made her way through the airport, a zombie in a sea of living, breathing people. The world outside seemed to be moving forward, while she was stuck in a never-ending nightmare.

As she exited the airport, the warm Delhi air enveloped her, a harsh contrast to the cold, sterile hospital room she'd left behind. The sounds, the smells, the sights - everything was familiar, yet foreign. She felt like a stranger in her own city, a stranger in her own life.

Charu's words echoed in her mind: "Come back to Delhi... You need us..." Aisha knew she did. She needed her friends, her family, to help her through this. But a part of her resisted, wanted to hold on to the memories, to Udbhav, forever.

The drive to the hotel was a blur, a haze of tears and memories. Aisha's heart felt like it was shattering into a million pieces, each one a reminder of what she'd lost, what she'd never have again. As she stepped into her room, a sense of emptiness enveloped her, a hollow echo that seemed to reverberate through her head.

She knew she'd have to face the days ahead, one by one, without Udbhav by her side. But for now, she allowed herself to collapse onto the couch, surrounded by memories, and wept for the love they shared, the love they'd never have again.
Her phone rang. It was Charu. She answered the phone, carefully controlling her voice. "Hey, 7'o clock, you are coming with me. I'll pick you up. Let's go grab a bite and we need to talk."
"I'm not really in a mood-"
"Nahin!" Charu said almost shouting, I'm not letting you make any excuses. Get ready. I'm coming over."

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