Phoenix Rising

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Phoenix Rising

Maggie Henning & The Realm: Book One

Lisa Morgan

copyright 2011


If you're reading this, thank a teacher. Specifically, Mr. James Knodel, 8th Grade English Teacher at Cooperstown Central School, who told me to "always carry a pen & paper- you have stories to tell." (See...I did listen!)

Many thanks go out to my friends, who endured listening to me rant and rave about this story and smiling while I did it, especially Caroline, Lisa, Heather, Mandie, Hope, and Patty, (and all those who were forced to endure many facebook posts about it!) Hugs also to the "Wiki Women" for the encouragement!

Many hugs and much love to my parents, Flip & Connie, who never gave up on me, even when it would have been in their best interests to do so! :)

To "Nemo" & "Bub"- miss you every day. Thanks for the sunshine!

To my own "Trust"- Sam Keith, Claudia & Haley- my world spins because of you. Even when you complain, I love you!

And a very special thank you to Brian- my best friend, sounding board, occasional maid\/chef\/babysitter, and husband. I couldn't have done this without you. I love you- forever & always.

I'd never really thought about how people take things for granted. The mundane occurrences that happen daily in our lives, like toast for breakfast or knowing that MTV won't be playing music.

We get dressed, slap on a little war paint, and make our way into the world every day and not think twice about it. We approach the coffee house drive thru to buy our overpriced cup of Joe and maybe a bear claw, and then continue on about our merry way.

Never knowing what is actually around us.

Not trying to listen to that little buzz in the back of our minds. You know the one I mean. That little self panic alert we all have but brush away.

Come on, really? Like something is out to get us, right...


Chapter One

The 6:30 alarm blaring out to begin my day startles me less now. Back in September when school first began for the year I'd bounce out of bed at the sound.

Now, I'm a little less bounce and a whole lot of crawl.

Don't get me wrong, I love school. What sixteen-year-old isn't thrilled to rise before the sun to begin a day of pursuits in higher education? Of course there are some who frown upon the waking- the guys, the girls, kids who are breathing.

I make my way out of my bedroom and am greeted by the blinding lights of the hallway and the aroma of Mom's scrambled eggs. I know she hears my feet padding toward the bathroom but she's learned not to acknowledge me until I've showered and made an attempt to tame my unruly mane of red curls.

Shutting the bathroom door, I crank on the hot water as high as I can stand it. The closet with a toilet we call the "bath" fills with steam as I step out of my pajamas and pull a towel from the cabinet. The idea of a shower to help clear the cobwebs from of my mind is one that my body relishes. I don't smell bad or anything, but the aches and pains my body feels are more reminiscent of my Granny Abigail's ills than those of a fun loving teen.

After my lather, rinse, repeat and dressing, I make my way downstairs to the kitchen to find my over excited mother.

"Morning Pumpkin!" she calls to me, her luminescent smile inhumanly wide.

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