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The summer after my first Hogwarts year was amazing. My parents suprised Mason and I with a two week trip to Italy. It had been awesome to relax at the beach, swim in the ocean and explore new cities such as rome.

The fun didn't stop after the trip. I spent most of my time either playing Quidditch with my dad and Mason, baking with my mom or reading through all my books.

I also spent a lot of time with my friends. Hermione and I met up at least once every week and I've seen Ron and the other Weasley's multiple times a week. Lilith, the girl I bumped into on the last day of school, and I met up once and I was looking forward to spending more time with her at Hogwarts.

Even though I spent a lot of time with my friends and doing all the things I loved, there was something missing or to be precise someone. It was Harry Potter. One of my best friends.

I've sent him multiple letters and a birthday present, which was a t-shirt that had "I ♡︎ Julie Clarke" written on it, to get back at him for Christmas, but I didn't get any responses from him.

And even though I would never admit it, I was really worried about him as it was very unusual for him to not talk me.

When I finally decided to tell my mum about my worries, she said: "Don't worry, honey. He lives with those muggles, doesn't he? They probably don't understand anything about magic and took his owl or something. I'm sure he's fine."

Her words did calm me down, but I still decided to write, Ron, also one of my best friends, a letter about my thoughts on Harry's sudden change in behaviour. His response arrived shortly after.

Dear Julie,
How are you? It's really weird that we haven't seen each other in a week. Anyways, about Harry. You know, I might have to tell him you're worried about him when we see him the next time. Just kidding. But seriously, he hasn't written me any letters either.
Fred and George snapped your letter out of my hands and read it. They said they have some kind of plan to "rescue" him. I have no idea what they were talking about. They said they want you and Mason to take part in their plan as well.
So if you're both up for it, you can stay at our place for the last week of holidays. Write back as soon as you can.
Bye, Ron.

"Mason!" I said running into his room, the letter still being in my hand. "Ron and the twins asked us if we want to stay at their house for the last week of holidays!"

"Brilliant" he answered, smiling at me.


On the last Monday of our holidays we were standing in front of our fire place, getting ready to leave for the Burrow with floo powder.

"Promise to write us every week, both of you." my mum sobbed, pulling me into a hug first and then Mason, while having tears in her eyes.

"Promise" I said smiling at her, and now turning my attention to my dad.

"Don't get into too much trouble." my dad said, also pulling me into a hug.

"That, I can't promise" I grinned, being reminded of the letter my parents received from Dumbledore, explaining what has happened to me and the Philosopher's Stone. Mum was extremely happy, that I was safe, my dad on the other hand, was extremely proud, as he was an auror.

"She's definitely your daughter." mum said, slapping my dads arm lightly and smiling. We all hugged a few more times.

"Ladies first." Mason insisted, as he gave me the floo powder.

"Idiot" I muttered very quietly so only he could hear it. I took some of the powder of the bowl and stepped into the fire place.

"The Burrow!" I exclaimed, dropping the floor powder. It felt as though I was being sucked down a giant plug hole. I seemed to be spinning very fast. I tried to keep my eyes open but the whirl of green flames made me feel sick. Just as my stomach began churning I fell face forwards onto the hard ground.

"JULIE!" three familiar voices screamed, who tackled me in a hug before I could even stand up. We all were lying on the floor, laughing, when Mason fell on top of us.

"Oh, you three let them breath!" I heard Mrs. Weasleys voice who came out of the kitchen. "How have you two been?"

"Fine, thank you." Mason said as we finally got up and ended up being hugged by Mrs. Weasley.

"Thanks for letting us stay here." I beamed. We then decided to settle down in the living room, talking about everything that has happened this summer so far.

I could already sense that the next week was going to be amazing.

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