chapture 1

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My day started at 4 am. My mom came in and got me up and said we were leaving the house by 5am. My family plus my dad's mom was going. So we get in the car and go. The first rest aira was West Virginia, my mom wanted us to go to the bathroom and get a picture with the state sing so we did. Than we got back in the car and went again to the Kentucky  rest aira and got year a nother picture with the state sing and back in the car again. We got back in the car and we drove to Indiana got out at the rest aira and took a nother picture with the state sing.

So my name Is Lynne and me and my family went on a road trip. My boyfriend had just got home that same day I was leaving or my trip. So later in that day I texted him, I was so happy to text him. Jakob is his name. Jakob and I have been datting for a month. I had know Jakob for a year from school. It was the last day of school and Jakob and I were texting and I had asked him if he wanted to sit with me on the bus ride home,and he did. I was joking around with Jakob,and I was like Jakob it would be nice to date you, but I had said it in a joking voice and he took it seriously. So right as he was getting up from sitting he said I will text you yes or no.

The roid trip was fun I want to do it again. On the second day my family went to Grant's farm. At Grants farm is the farm with the clydesdales horse for budlisers beer. We went their and I roid s Camile and that was fun and bumpy. Grants farm was fun, and I would go again.

On the third day me and my family travled to Sydney Iowa. That is all we did on the third day is  travel. On the fourth day my family and I went to Nebraska to a Walmart. At Walmart I got a new pair of shorts and food. Than it was on the road again to North Dakota.

When my family got in to north dokota we stopped in a small town idk how to spell,when we were leaving I went to the center of america.

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