22. The Mysterious figure 🧚🏼‍♂️

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They regain consciousness after a brief knockout. Light from above shines on them like a spotlight.

Diana coughs as Elias helps her up to her feet. Alex stands too but stumbles a bit.

" what happened?," Alex asked, feeling a little dizzy.

Suddenly,the silent atmosphere is disturbed by the banging of a drum.

" What was that?," Alex fidgets.

Elias draws his sword from his sheath. His sword poised.

" Stay close and be on alert," Elias said,his sword poised,his ears straining to detect any sound and his eyes scanning the darkness. They face each other with their backs as they stand on alert.

A scent suddenly tingles Alex nose. He sniffs.

" What was that?," Elias asked,his hands still firm on his sword.

" There's this scent," Alex said with a scrunched nose.

The banging of the drum fills the air again.

" Scent?," Elias asks.

" It's disorienting and has a strong scent I haven't perceived before," Alex said as he sniffs.

The banging of the drum is heard again.

" Diana,you might wanna let your fangs out," Alex advised,the scent warning him of what's in the darkness.

Suddenly,the drums banging becomes consistent, playing to a certain harmony.

Alex starts panting,Elias grips tighter to his sword and Diana prepares to pop her wings,claws and fangs out.

Suddenly,blue fire on torches spark around them. Alex jolts at the sudden spark. Shadowy figures are suddenly visible under the fire's light. And as the drumming continues,their surroundings become more and more visible.

Diana hisses,her eyes burning ember,her fangs pop out,her claws grow from her fingers and her massive wings arch out her back.

The drumming stops, and a group of roaring individuals come to view,they shout and let out a battle cry..with torches burning with blue flames in their hands.

They surround them and poke their torches at them. Diana hisses to scare them off, while Elias swings his swords to keep them at bay, and Alex starts to hyperventilate.

Suddenly,light shines through out the cave. It's like bulbs were hanged on the walls of Wherever they were.

The individuals roaring gets louder and more dreadful. Their battle cry are filled with vengeance and are merciless.

Out of nowhere, a face covered individual soars through the air and landed Infront of the trio standing on their ground. A dark blue cloak covers his face, a blue staff designed with gold lines swirling round his staff.

Here's a description of a knight in blue and gold armor with a cloak:

The knight stands tall, clad in a suit of gleaming blue armor adorned with intricate gold trim and accents. The armor itself appears to be a mix of plate and chainmail, providing both flexibility and protection. A golden crest emblazoned on the chest plate shines brightly, representing the individual noble allegiance.

A flowing blue cloak with a golden clasp at the shoulder billows behind the knight, The cloak's edges are embroidered with delicate golden thread, matching the ornate details on the armor. The overall effect is one of elegance, strength, and unwavering dedication to his noble cause.

To be continued.....

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