Chapter 1: First Encounter

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The school hallways buzzed with life, a constant stream of conversation and movement. Lockers slammed, and the usual groups of students clustered together. For most, it was just another day at Crestview High, but for Tyra Hayward, it was something else entirely.She stood at the entrance, her fingers gripping the straps of her backpack, eyes scanning the chaos before her. Crestview was a whole different world compared to her small circle of familiarity-especially now, in their final year of high school. Her mother had passed away when she was twelve, and since then, it had been just her, her brother Tygga, and her dad. Tyra wasn't one for crowds. Her social anxiety made sure of that.She took a breath, reminding herself of the comforting advice Sarah had given her this morning. "Just breathe, Tyra," she whispered to herself. "One step at a time." She was used to blending into the background, and that was the way she liked it. But today, something felt different. Maybe it was the buzz in the air as everyone prepped for the last year of high school.Luka Whitaker walked past her, his presence enough to turn heads and stop conversations. He was the new kid last year, rich and intimidatingly handsome, now one of the two most popular guys in school-Peter, her best friend, being the other. But Luka's arrival had changed things for Peter. He wasn't the "hottest" anymore, but Tyra knew Peter didn't care. He had other things to worry about. Like keeping Sarah from being too obvious about her crush on Luka.Luka glanced her way briefly as he passed, his emerald-green eyes locking with hers for just a second. It was enough to send a wave of warmth rushing to her cheeks. Luka was complicated-he was hot, popular, and mysterious, but also untouchable in a way that reminded her how different their worlds were.She quickly looked down, her heart racing, hoping he hadn't noticed the panic that always seemed to rise in her whenever she became the focus of someone's attention."Tyra! Hey!" Sarah's voice snapped her out of her thoughts. Her best friend appeared beside her, looking radiant as always, blonde curls bouncing and her smile infectious. Sarah's gaze briefly flickered in Luka's direction before she turned her full attention to Tyra. "You good?""Yeah," Tyra replied, forcing a smile. "Just... first-day nerves, I guess."Sarah linked her arm with Tyra's. "We've got this. Last year-nothing's gonna mess it up."As they headed to their first class, Tyra's thoughts returned to Luka. Sarah had been obsessed with him since he transferred to Crestview. And Tyra? She couldn't figure out if she was fascinated by him because of Sarah's constant mentions or if there was something else there. Either way, Luka always seemed just out of reach.Once they reached the classroom, Tyra took her usual seat near the window, pulling out her notebook. She liked sitting by the window-it gave her an escape from the overwhelming noise and people."Morning, ladies." Peter strolled into the room, his usual smirk in place. Captain of the soccer team, best friend since forever, and her rock through the hardest times. He slid into the seat beside her, giving her a wink. "You good, Tyra?""Yeah, I'm fine." She smiled, feeling a little more at ease with him around. Peter had always been her protector, ever since her mom passed away. He, Tygga, and Sarah were the constants in her life, the people who made the world a little less scary.But just as she was starting to relax, Luka Whitaker walked into the room, capturing everyone's attention without saying a word. He sat down a few rows ahead of her, perfectly composed as always."Look at him..." Sarah whispered, her eyes glued to Luka. "God, he's perfect."Peter rolled his eyes, leaning back in his chair. "You can do better, Sarah."She swatted his arm. "Jealous much?"Tyra laughed softly at their banter, though her heart wasn't fully in it. Luka seemed like the kind of guy who wouldn't look twice at a girl like her-an ordinary girl who had too much baggage, too many fears. She didn't belong in his world of wealth, charm, and confidence.But just as her mind drifted, Luka turned around in his seat, his eyes finding hers again. This time, he didn't look away. Tyra froze, her breath catching in her throat. His gaze was intense, unreadable, as if he was trying to figure her out.Before she could make sense of it, the teacher entered the room, cutting the moment short. Luka turned back around, and Tyra's heart slowly returned to its normal rhythm.As the lesson began, Tyra stared out the window, her mind still lingering on Luka. She wasn't sure what it was, but there was something about him that drew her in, something she couldn't quite put her finger on. And despite all the walls she had built around herself, a part of her couldn't help but wonder if maybe, just maybe, this year would be different.But different didn't always mean better. And as the year unfolded, Tyra would soon find herself caught in a whirlwind of emotions she wasn't ready for.

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