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Coiny tossed and turned in his bed, his mind racing with thoughts of the previous night. Had the party, the drinks, the kiss between Pin and Flower been real? Or was it all just a dream?

A shiver ran down his spine as he replayed the events in his head. The way Pin had looked at Flower, the passion in their kiss - it felt so real. But could he have been hallucinating?

A part of him didn't want to believe it. He had always had a crush on Pin, and the thought of her with someone else was painful. He hoped it was all just a bad dream, a figment of his imagination.

But as he lay there, replaying the events of the night, he couldn't shake the feeling that it had all been real. And if it was,he didn't know how he would face Pin again.

Coiny sat bolt upright in bed, his heart pounding in his chest. He had to confront Pin, to demand an explanation. He couldn't let this go unanswered.

With renewed determination, he swung his legs over the side of the bed and slipped on his shoes. He rushed out of his apartment, his mind racing with questions.

As he reached the front door, his heart sank. His car was gone. Panic washed over him. Where could his car have gone?Had someone stolen it?

Coiny frantically searched the parking lot, his eyes scanning the rows of cars. But his car was nowhere to be found. He checked his pockets, hoping he had a spare key, but it was nowhere to be seen.

Fear and confusion gnawed at him. How was he supposed to get to Pin's apartment now? And what if she had already left?

Earlier in the morning, Pin was strolling across the street, her eyes scanning the crowd for a familiar face. She spotted Needle, her best friend, jogging down the sidewalk.

Pin quickened her pace, catching up to Needle. She grabbed her friend's shoulders, startling her.

Needle flinched, turning around to face Pin. She reached up to adjust her headphones, her eyes wide with surprise. "Do you need something?" she asked.

Pin smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, did I startle you? I just wanted to ask if I could join you for a run."

Needle hesitated, considering Pin's request.

While Pin wasn't known for her athletic abilities, she was always up for a challenge.

"Sure," Needle finally agreed. "But don't blame me if you can't keep up."

Pin laughed. "Challenge accepted."

After an hour of running, Needle finally came to a halt, her lungs burning. She sank onto a nearby bench, panting heavily.

Pin, surprised that Needle had given up before her, teased, "Giving up already? And I thought I was less athletic than you!"

Needle rolled her eyes, her face flushed. "Yeah, well, I'm kinda tired... and hungry," she admitted.

Pin giggled. "We should totally go to YoyleDolands! I heard the food there is pretty good."

Needle's eyes lit up. She had always wanted to try YoyleDolands. "Yeah, let's go!" she exclaimed, standing up and dusting herself off

"Should we drive or walk?" Pin asked, her eyes scanning the horizon.

"What do you think? I'm too tired to walk," Needle replied, her voice tinged with exhaustion.

Pin nodded in agreement. "Let's drive."

A moment of realization dawned on them.

Neither of them had a car. Pin had left hers at home, and Needle had forgotten hers.

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