Chuck chuck poor chuck

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Chuck- MHA univer cuz y not.

Name chuck
Quirk is a hybrid half human half dog. (Obeys everything, is very loyal but has attachment issues, chases squirls and balls, very clingy, licks ppl (out of love but ppl think it's gross) hopeless romantic)
Personality, sweet, kind, crazy, vulnerable, loves in weird ways, loves getting belly rubs,
Looks, like a short teen guy with blonde hair and dog ears

Chuck was born with a hybrid quirk that gave him dog like characteristics. He was never like other kids his age, he was always more animalistic in his behavior. Even from a young age he acted like a dog and would play fetch with toys and chase after squirrels.

Unfortunately for him, he was always treated differently because of his quirk. Other kids would make fun of him and call him a freak. This caused him to develop self-doubt and a feeling of inferiority.
Background continued-

Chuck became very isolated and withdrawn, he rarely ever interacted with other people besides his family. His parents were also not the most understanding, they constantly tried to make him act more like a normal child. But no matter how much they tried to change him, he would always act like a dog.

Eventually, chuck began to resent his own quirk and he started to hate himself for not being able to fit in with others. His feelings of self hatred and inferiority became overwhelming and it caused him to develop a deep depression.

Chuck's depression was deep and chronic, he was constantly in a state of misery and he couldn't see any kind of joy or hope in his life. He was just existing, trying to get through each day without any sort of purpose or meaning. Even his family didn't understand why he was always so unhappy, they thought that he should be happy since he had a quirk that was unique. But they couldn't understand the pain and loneliness that it caused him.

Chuck eventually met someone, a person who was also isolated and unhappy. That person was kind and understanding, they didn't judge him for his quirk or treat him weirdly. That person was able to see the good in chuck and showed him that it was possible to be happy even with a quirk that made him different.

Chuck had never experienced anyone treating him in such a kind and understanding way before. It was a transformative experience for him and he began to feel like he wasn't alone in the world anymore.

Then they break his heart and he has never felt pain like this.

He's absolutely heartbroken. He couldn't believe that they would do something like this to him, especially after everything that they had been through together. The pain was unbearable, he felt like he couldn't go on without them. It was the most intense despair he had ever felt, the grief felt like a physical weight on his chest that he couldn't escape.

He was completely lost without them. Without their kindness and understanding, his world felt empty and dark. He was so used to feeling alone and isolated, and now he was back to being alone again. The loss was too much to bear, he couldn't cope with the pain of it all. He felt like he was drowning in sadness, like there was no hope for him anymore.

He stood there apont the ocean cliff wondering what is life...?

With the pain and grief consuming him, all he could do was stand there looking out at the ocean. He couldn't think of anything else, he was completely numb to everything around him. The waves crashing against the cliffs made him feel calm in a way he had never felt before, they seemed to be calling to him.

He was so lost in the moment that he didn't even notice how close he was to the edge of the cliff until it was too late.

Before he realised it, he was falling. The world spun around him as he tumbled closer and closer to the water below. A wave of despair washed over him as he realised what was happening. The water was so close now, the waves crashing against him was so soothing and peaceful. It felt like a calling, inviting him to let go and forget everything.

His whole life flashed before his eyes in an instant, filled with sadness and pain. He thought about all he had been through and the feeling of hopelessness that had haunted him his entire life. The waves were so close now, he wanted to let go and give into the peace. But then an image flashed in his mind, the image of the one person who had shown him kindness and understanding.
The thought of them made him hesitate, made him wonder if there was another way.

A beautiful girl (a mermaid) pulls him out of the water and onto shore.

He lays there on the sand, exhausted from the sudden change of events. The waves continue to crash against the shore, washing up foam and sea water onto the sand. The sound of the waves lull him, he feels a certain calmness in that sound.

Suddenly, he feels a touch on his arm, he looks up to see the beautiful girl.

She had pulled him out of the waters and saved his life, but why? What was her motivation for doing such a kind act?

He motivation was to eat him for dinner

He looks into her eyes and he is drawn in, they seem dark and mysterious like an ocean depth. She bites her lip as she stares at him, he becomes transfixed by her.

The two stay locked into each others gaze, until finally she speaks.

"Come with me."

He doesn't know what her intentions are, he's just a prey to be eaten. But he has nothing left to lose, so he follows her.

She opens her mouth wide and gulps him up in one bite.

The world around him is dark for a moment as he is swallowed up by her and then everything goes black.

He feels no pain or fear, just the embrace of the darkness. He can feel nothing as she devours him, his mind has become blank. The fear and pain that was in his heart before has vanished...

Then, he wakes up, he's back in the beach, the mermaid is gone. Was it all a nightmare? And then he feels pain in his heart again...

...He was dead

Suddenly, he realised that he is dead, he is not on earth anymore.

He feels an intense pain in the deepest parts of his soul. The pain of heartbreak, betrayal and loneliness come rushing back to him, but this time it's even stronger than before.

He tries to scream, but he has no voice. He tries to run, but he has no legs. He can feel the sea breeze on his skin, but he is powerless to move.

He is a spectator to his own suffering, and he is alone...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05 ⏰

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