CHAPTER 1: The First Day Rush

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At the Sterling home, the morning sun streamed through the large windows, illuminating the elegant decor. Mr. Sterling, a distinguished man in his mid-fifties with salt-and-pepper hair, stood in the grand foyer, checking his watch impatiently.

"Luke, are you ready to go?" he called out, his voice echoing slightly in the spacious entrance hall.

Luke, a 21-year-old with a polished exterior, emerged from his room, his expression a mix of reluctance and frustration. "Dad, do I really have to start at one of the stores? Why can't I go straight to work at the office and perhaps start as a clerk?" he asked, crossing his arms in defiance.

Mr. Sterling shook his head. "No, Luke. I want you to understand the whole system starting from the bottom. It's important to understand how everything operates, from the ground up," he replied, his tone brooking no argument. "Now come on, we're going to be late."

Reluctantly, Luke sighed and followed his father out the door, the weight of his impending first day at Whimsy Burger hanging heavily on his shoulders.


Meanwhile, just a few blocks away from Whimsey Burger, Kelsey sprinted down the sidewalk, her heart racing with the excitement of the morning rush. A cute brunette with light freckles dusting her nose, raised by her single mom, a middle School teacher. She glanced at her watch, feeling a flutter of anxiety. It was Monday, and her shift started at 8 AM sharp. She would be working the entire summer at Whimsy Burger, the popular fast-food chain owned by the Sterling family.

During the school year, Kelsey balanced her studies with her job, working every Friday afternoon and throughout the weekends. Juggling her responsibilities as a freshman at Westbridge University, where she was pursuing a degree in Accounting, was no easy feat. Yet, Kelsey was fiercely determined to make it all work. Each step she took brought her closer to her goals, and the thrill of her ambitions spurred her on.

As she arrived at the restaurant, breathless and slightly disheveled, she was greeted by the sight of her coworkers bustling around in preparation for the dinner rush. The kitchen was alive with the sounds of sizzling burgers and the chatter of employees.

"Good morning, all!" Kelsey called out, a bright smile breaking across her face.

"Good morning, Kelsey! Please give us a hand," Donna, the manager, replied, her voice a blend of urgency and cheer. "Can you check that all the tables are clean?"

Kelsey nodded and began making her way through the dining area, wiping down tables and ensuring everything was in order. As she worked, she overheard snippets of conversation that piqued her interest.

"Why is everyone falling over themselves?" she overheard a colleague ask.

"Mr. Sterling's son is starting today," another replied, an air of excitement in their tone.

Kelsey paused, her curiosity sparked. "What is he going to do here?" she asked, glancing over her shoulder.

"He's just going to be a regular employee. Mr. Sterling wants him to start from the ground," came the response.

"Oh, you mean Luke Sterling?" Kelsey raised an eyebrow, recognizing the name.

"Yes! Do you know him?" Rose, a fellow employee, inquired.

"Oh yes, he's a big douche bag," Kelsey shot back, her tone dripping with disdain. "We're studying at the same university," she added, crossing her arms in annoyance.

Just then, the door swung open, and Mr. Sterling walked in with Luke trailing behind him. The atmosphere shifted as employees straightened up, greeting their boss with polite smiles.

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