Before the Storm

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The hum of chatter filled the airport as we waited in the terminal. People moved in waves—some rushing to their gates, others standing in line at coffee shops. But for me, it was as if the world had slowed down. The anticipation of our trip to El Nido buzzed between us, like an unspoken secret, and the excitement was almost tangible. Jayson, my fiancé—no, boyfriend then—sat beside me, tapping his fingers on the handle of his carry-on bag. I could see the glint in his eyes, the one he always had when he was thinking about something more than the moment.

I felt his elbow nudge me gently. "You know what we should do?" he said, his voice filled with a childlike energy. "Check out the electronics store. They've got the newest iPad, and there's a new iPhone out. You should see it."

I rolled my eyes, leaning back in my seat. "Jayson, my phone's fine. Besides, we're about to get on a plane. What are you going to do, buy a new gadget and set it up mid-flight?" I teased, crossing my arms but smiling at him.

He gave me that grin—the one that made it hard to say no, even when I knew I should. "C'mon, just take a look. It's not about buying anything. We've got time before boarding, and I'm curious to see what they've come out with."

I sighed, already feeling myself giving in. "Alright, fine. But I'm not getting sucked into your tech madness," I warned, though my words held no real conviction.

As we made our way to the electronics store, Jayson's excitement grew, radiating from him like a kid on Christmas morning. The moment we stepped through the glass doors, I watched as his eyes lit up, scanning every display, every shiny new gadget like they were treasures from some far-off land. He darted from one section to another, pointing out the features of the latest iPad and iPhones, his enthusiasm infectious. I tried to keep a straight face, but I couldn't help but admire his passion for it all.

He stopped in front of the newest iPhone, practically vibrating with excitement. "You've got to try this," he said, picking up a demo model and handing it to me. "Look at the screen—it's insane. The camera's supposed to be even better than the last one. And it's so much faster."

I took the phone, running my fingers over its sleek surface, feeling its weight in my hands. It was beautiful, no doubt about it, but I didn't need it. Still, I couldn't deny that the tech was impressive. "It's nice," I said, glancing at him with a smirk. "But I'm still perfectly happy with my old one."

Jayson chuckled, stepping closer, his voice dropping to a more intimate tone. "You don't always know you need an upgrade until you see it, though."

I was about to retort, something sarcastic no doubt, when I saw his hand slip into his pocket. The entire store seemed to fade into the background, the white noise of people and sales pitches disappearing as he pulled out a small, velvet box. My heart stopped. For a moment, I thought maybe I was imagining it. Surely not here, not in the middle of a tech store, right?

But then he opened the box.

A ring—sparkling, delicate, perfect—rested inside. His hands shook ever so slightly as he held it out to me, and when I looked up, I saw the vulnerability in his eyes. This wasn't a tech pitch or a playful tease. This was real.

"Erika," he began, his voice thick with emotion, "I know you said you didn't need an upgrade..." He paused, his usual confidence giving way to a raw sincerity that caught me off guard. "But I think it's time for us to upgrade our relationship, too."

I felt my breath catch in my throat. My heart pounded in my chest as everything seemed to narrow to this one moment, here, between the displays of gadgets and the fluorescent lights. His words—upgrade our relationship—sounded so Jayson. It was the perfect mix of him trying to be clever, trying to frame it in a way that made sense to us both, and it melted something in me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06 ⏰

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