the world is bad

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Kang Taehyun;

There's a good balance in this world. The good, and the bad. The good wouldn't be there if the bad didn't exist, the bad wouldn't be there if the good didn't exist. But do people always get to be what they want? They sometimes can't choose what they want to be. They don't get asked if they want to be good, or bad. Of course, this is a subject that many people can delve into deep philosophical thoughts about. What I'm trying to say is, when I was born, they didn't ask me if i wanted to be a bad person. Yes, I am a skilled demon. But honestly, I'd prefer to be an angel. They're lucky. They don't have to deal with any dirty bullshit.

In the Angels and Demons Academy, I was quite popular since the day I attended the school. Well, all of them knew me because of my father, The Devil himself. Angels were afraid of me, demons were praising me. I didn't care that much. All I wanted is to finish this ridiculous school and go back to Hell. My father needed me there. I needed to be enough for him, I needed to obey the rules, that's what my father said to me since I was little. Did I care? No. Did I break the rules? Yes. I usually didn't care about the rules. Rules were meant to be broken, right? That's what the bad people believe.

Angels were against that. They cared about the rules, always going around like "Rules are made for a reason." Really, now? It was annoying. I hated angels. I couldn't bear the color white, and their happy smiles. I hated the white wings. I hated good. I was bad. Bad is supposed to be bad, and good is supposed to be good. There's no place in between, I thought.

"Maybe you're wrong..."

The whispering made me flinch. What the hell? I looked around my dorm room, my roomate Yeonjun wasn't here as well. I guess I was finally going crazy. I sighed, It was time already. I checked myself on the mirror and left the room. I was nervous about today. It was the unity festival of angels and demons. And my father was visiting the academy. I really didn't want to deal him.

When I reached the main hall, I saw my roommate Yeonjun talking with Soobin. His beloved angel. I rolled eyes at the sight, Yeonjun really was delusional. I walked to them, I glanced at Yeonjun. He didn't even realise me there, he kept talking to Soobin.


He didn't turn around and looked at me. Soobin chuckled at the sight. I exhaled in annoyance and raised my voice a little, "Yeonjun!"


"Are you deaf?"

He sticked his tongue out at me, then turned to Soobin. "See you later." He smiled at Soobin like a stupid fool, then he turned to me with an annoyed glare. He interlocked his arm with mine, and started walking me. "Couldn't you wait just a little? You ruined the whole atmosphere!"

I rolled my eyes, he was so whipped for this angel. "Whatever, Yeonjun... You can talk to him any time. I need your help right now, I need to run away."


"I need to run away! I don't want to deal with my father or this stupid festival."

Yeonjun laughed out loud. "Are you insane? They'll never let you get out of the school, especially today."

I stopped walking, and turned to him. "That's why I'm asking for your help, idiot."

Yeonjun shook his head as in 'no' as soon as I spoke. "No, no, no and no way in hell."

"Why not?" I asked in panic.

"Because Taehyun, the last time I helped you run away, The teachers caught us and they literally took our wings for a whole month! Ugh... It was so weird..."

I remembered. Having no wings is like having no arms for humans. It was so disturbingly weird.

"I know. I remember it very well. But I still have to run away... Yeonjun, please? This is the last time I'm asking for help..." I tried to look cute, well. I wasn't cute at all. I was as cold as Antartica.

"Oh gosh... Okay, fine. But if you get into trouble, keep my name out of this."

"Okay, thank you!" I hugged Yeonjun happily, but he pushed me away, "Get away." I couldn't help but laugh at his grumpy face.

Yeonjun gave me the directions of underground maze. It was honestly impressing that he knew this part of the school well. I quickly went outside of the school before the festival started. I stretched out my black wings and then flew a little further away from the school. I went into the forest behind the school. Perfect, no one could find me in this place. I could just stay there until it was dark, then I could go back. I landed on the ground, I walked deep into the forest. It was nice, it was very different from Hell. I walked until I reached the big lake. It looked pretty under the sunset, the water seemed sparkly, I've always loved this place. It was where I met Yeonjun a few years ago. Yeonjun helped me a lot back then. I was still having issues with The Devil, my father. One day, I was crying near that lake, and Yeonjun found me, and asked me if I was okay. I opened up at him right there, then we became best friends, I was really thankful.

Suddenly, a noise coming from afar made me snap out of my thoughts. I looked behind, I saw nothing, but I decided to hide behind a tree just incase it was someone from the academy. Then, I could see what was coming. It was someone, riding a fully white horse. I squinted my eyes to see better. It was a boy. A boy around my age. But he...

His wings...

His wings were two different color. right one black, left one white.

I was surprised. I had never seen someone like that before. Who was that? An angel? A Demon? Or... a half-blood?

Half-bloods really exists?!

As he got closer to the lake, I saw that his white wing was bleeding, his face looked like he was in pain, he got off from the horse, he walked to the lake, and he sat on the coast. he carefully put his bleeding wing into the water, It seemed like... the water was healing him? I never knew that this lake could heal us. Who was that boy?

I watched him for a while behind the tree. It really seemed like the water was healing his wounded wing. The boy looked relaxed now, he looked almost beautiful.

I mentally slapped myself. I really must be going crazy. I sighed as I decided to quietly leave, but I accidentally caught my wing into the bushes, I accidentally hissed as it hurt a little. I tried to rescue it from there.

"Want some help?"

I startled when I heard the voice, I turned around to the voice. It was the boy with opposite colored wings. He was smiling at me, and his wounded wing looked just fine right now.

"I'm fine." I muttered as I finally managed to get my wing out of the bushes.

"Were you watching me?"

"What? Oh... No, I just came here." A lie. As befits a demon.

"I see..."

Then. as I was about to talk, I got cut off by someone's shouting. "Kang Taehyun!"

Oh no. They already realized that I'm gone? I swallowed , and spoke to the boy, I had to go.

"Sorry, I need to go."

I quickly walked towards the path I just came from, I heard the boy chuckling softly behind me, but I didn't turn around. I kept walking, when I was out of the forest, I opened up my wings, and I flied back to the school. On the way, my mind was still on the boy I just saw. Who was that and why was he there? How did he have those wings and how did the water heal him like that? When I finally reached the school, the toughts of the mysterious boy were erased from my mind, because I saw my father and some teachers right in front of the gate. Great. I was in BIG trouble. My mind went blank when I heard my father speak:

"Kang Taehyun. You are not allowed in Hell anymore."


hello guys i have no idea wht im writing so don't expect much from this!!!!!
by the way, i really don't want any hate comments 😞 i don't ship them in real life, this is just a fanfic and for fun, i hope you all understand that. if you're disturbed, don't keep reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05 ⏰

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