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Emma's POV

Sitting on my couch for almost 4 hours, scrolling down my phone, looking for a new boyfriend is hard and tiring. Not only are my fingers cramping, I am pretty sure my ass has fallen asleep as well. I haven't moved from my position for an extremely long time, so I'm not saying Jason, my soon to be ex boyfriend, staring at me worringly isn't bad, but it is quite annoying. Actually, very annoying.

"Is there something I can do for you?", I said with some sarcasm and annoyance in my voice. I raised both my eyebrows, and put down my phone, the screen facing my thigh. He looked quite surprised from the sudden raise of my voice. Finally, he knitted his eyebrows together, and licked his lip ring, while answering my question with the same amount of sarcasm in his voice,"Besides getting off your phone, no, not really".

He continued talking, or as I like to call it, "complaining" about how I am always on my phone, we always argue about the stupidest stuff, that I am basically ignoring him by not talking to him, and always "forgetting" about the plans he planned for us. What else am I supposed to do if I don't love him anymore? I can't just break up with him! He's hot, smart, and hilarious. I just feel like we don't connect anymore, like we used to in the past. Ever since the spark dissappeared, I started to go on dating apps, looking for a new boyfriend. So far, all I found was insecure, immature boys who only want pictures. I really hate dating apps, but my bestfriend, Jannel, told me, that is how she found her boyfriend, Michael. When am I going to become as lucky as her?


I keep talking to her, trying to tell Emma how I feel about the situation. That is how we used to solve our fights before. We used to just talk about how we feel about the situation, we say our point of views of it, and then we find a compromise. For the past few months, she just ignored my point of view, and couldn't care less about making a compromise. Everything has to be her choice, her way. If only I could see what she is always doing on her phone, then I could see what happens to be more important than me, her boyfriend and best friend of about 4 years. Our anniversary is only in a few weeks, and I have planned something amazing. I just hope she doesn't forget about it, or that she doesnt make other plans, like she usually does.

I finally got tired from speaking to Emma, and I decide to go to my close friends house, Aidan and Ethan. I stand up from the chair I was sitting on across from Emma, and slowly walked past Emma. I tried to get a peek of what Emma may be looking at on her phone, but she moved out of my eye sight at the right time, so it was impossible for me to see the screen. I signed silently, so Emma doesn't hear me. I put on my favourite black converse, and my light grey hoodie, since it was sort of chilly outside. I got in my new Nissan, that I got for my birthday, and rested my forehead on top of the wheel.

I wanted to punch something, yell at someone, but I couldn't. Emma makes me so frustrated. She changed a lot the past few months. It seems like she has married her phone. And if she's not at home or at work, she's at her friends house, Jannel. I thought of calling Jannel, and asking her why Emma comes to her house so often. But on second thought, I can't. I will seem desperate, or over protective, and I am not going to repeat the same mistakes again. After some minutes, I finally reversed, and drove to Aidan's and Ethan's house for a drink, and hopefully some video games.


After Jason's little break down, he got up quite fast, and headed towards the door. I saw him trying to get a peek at my screen, but I moved fast enough for him not to see. Jason grabbed his worn out and disgusting, black converse and some grey hoodie he found in the closet. I got up slowly and quietly towards the window when Jason left through the door, and saw Jason desperately rest his forehead on his car's wheel. This scene of him looking terrible, and lost made me want to sob quietly. I saw him take out his phone, but putting it aside as fast as he took it out, almost throwing it in the backseat. I wonder if he was going to text me "srry babe. I know this fight was all my fault", or call someone else for help or advice about this fight. After looking straight ahead for quite some time, probably zoned out, he reversed the car and drove away. A part of me is glad and relieved he was gone. The other part of me was sad, and felt terrible for being unnecessarily rude.

I got up from my spot on the floor, infront of the window, and I entered the kitchen. Knowing Jason, he will probably not come anytime soon. I decided I should make myself some scrambled eggs. I opened the fridge, and took out the ingredients needed. Eggs and bacon. When I was done creating my masterpiece, I literally gobbled it all up. I washed the many dishes I used, and I got ready to go to bed. I went up the stairs, into our bedroom, and changed into a huge t-shirt I found on the floor. I was so comfortable, I almost went to sleep right away. But before I could fall asleep, I checked my dating profile one last time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2015 ⏰

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