Chapter one

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Day and night.

Night and day.

Light and darkness.

Darkness and light.

Chaos and peace.

Peace and chaos.

They're all the same. Most people believe  that day and night are enemies. That light and darkness are enemies. And that chaos and peace are also enemies. Well, they're wrong. Every. Single. One. Of. Them. Without day night cannot exist with out night day cannot exist. Without light darkness cannot exist without darkness light cannot exist. Without chaos peace cannot exist. Without peace chaos cannot exist. It's really not complicated. You just can't know what one is without the other. If there was no light we'd only think there was darkness, but in reality they fight each other just like peace and chaos and day and night. There for they're not enemies merely opposites.

Just like me and my twin brother John Shepherd. We're polar opposites in every way possible, and I mean that with my heart and soul. But we don't hate each other we're just opposites.

I walk into the infirmary the sterile lights burning my eyes. I look around the sterile room that equivalent to a mini hospital. Beds and monitors line the right side while the left is lined with carts and equipment. I glance into Dr. Carson Becketts office he's in there asleep. I'm not surprised. Me and him are usually the only ones in here this early due to the fact he's the head doctor and I'm the head nurse. Plus I swear the man lives in his office at this point.

I walk over to his office my crocks barely leaving the floor with each step making a soft sound each time I take a step forward. I make it to his office and since his door is open I knock lightly on the door frame. Carson is slumped over in his rolly chair his head resting on some paper work on his desk, his arms throw over the desk. He's still in his white doctors coat. When I knock on the frame he slowly sits up straight and he rubs at his eyes. "Whit time is it?" He asks in his thick Scottish accent.

"Five am." I answer, he groans and stands up.

"Dae ye hae the timetable 'cause ah dinnae." I'm hardly able to understand him. His accent is always much thicker when he first wakes up.

"I can probably find one or at least harass Dr. Weir until she gives me one." He nods and waves me out of his office. I leave the infirmary and make my way to the control room to Dr. Elizabeth Weirs office. She's a civilian scientist and the leader of this expedition, and I suspect that my brother has a crush on her. But knowing him he'll never admit it. I take a quick glance at the stargate which is a circular gate in front of the giant glass windows. I make it up the short flight of steps. I walk up to Dr. Weirs office and since she has the door open and I swear no one here knows how to close doors I once again knock on the door frame.

She looks up from her computer her brown shoulder length hair falling onto her shoulders. She has brown eyes and is dressed in a red shirt which is the color for commander on Atlantis or leader in her case. She sees me and closes her computer and folds her hands together. "Amelia, you can come in." I nod, and I walk into her office. "Please, have a seat." She says, gesturing to the chair across from her. I sit down on it sitting on the edge of it. I'd never really liked talking to authority Figures. Not even my brother. At least not when he's on duty. Carson is different. One: I work with him and two: he's too much of a disaster for me to think of him as an authority figure.

"Sorry to bother you ma'am, but I was wondering if I could have a list of all the teams coming back today. We didn't get one for today." She nods,

"Yes, I figured you or Dr. Beckett would stop by." She then hands me a sheet and I stand up.

"Thank you." I say, and I turn to leave.

"Oh and Amelia?" She asks, and I pause my back to her.


"Relax a little. This isn't a military expedition. It's a scientific one. You don't need to be so tense all the time."

"Yes, Ma'am." With that I leave with the paper in my hand. I look down at the paper as I walk the mostly empty halls of the lost city.

Only two teams are due back today. Shepherd which is my brothers, and Evan Loren's team.

This is going to be a long ass day.

I walk back into the infirmary, Carson is walking around getting things set up. "Teams?" He asks,

"Shepherd and Loren." I answer, and he sighs. "Yeah, that was my reaction as well." I say, and I get to work beside him getting things ready to do post mission exams.

Welcome to my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05 ⏰

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