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A/N I have some of the best news ever and times two........ ok the bumblebee movie is not cannon to knight or bay verse and it was a reboot and we have a second chance not to screw it up. aaaaaaaand the next movie for live action my or may not OR MAY contain charlie Watson........ I'm so fragging excited and thankful.........

Bumblebees pov:

I was the experiment. Megatron optics gained a satisfied look in them. "You were supposed to be a merciless war machine but fail miserably then those stupid autobots came and broke you out....but now your back here with us" I couldn't look away how had I never known. "No your just trying to mess with me" I say denying it. He gave a irritated growl. "I'm sure that oh what was his name was it stormchaser or kickback but I'm sure they wouldn't want you to deny the truth" I could feel my spark tearing apart. How could he say something like that.  "Ha take him back to th-" he was cut off when a shot was fired into his back. "Highfire" I yelled and say the grey mech plow though a hidden door. I struggled hard against the vecnicons holding me down but they don't budge. "B-127 I'm here" he yelled and shot at the vecnicons holding me down freeing me. 

I jumped up and spun on my heel shooting at shockwave and megatron trying to disorient them. "we cant fight them lets go" I yelled back to highfire and ran out the newly opened door with him following close behind me. "don't let them get away" Megatron yelled angrily across the room. "which was out" I question to highfire. "follow me" he replied back taking the lead. the vecnicons were gaining on us. "hop on" I yelled and transformed. highfire jumped onto my hood turning around to shoot at the oncoming cons. "LEFT" he yelled directing me. I took a sharp turn and felt highfire shift on my top. he grabbed onto the side of my hood to stay on. "right then strait out" he commanded. -left- open hallway. "B-127 to ultra magnus we require immediate assistance" i commed to the ship. 

"request received were on our way" ultra magnus replied back. "get ready to jump" highfire yelled over the gun fire. "what wh-" i was cut short when the hallway floor ended suddenly and we were sent hurtling over the edge. i transformed and we were in a free fall. ultra magnus ship came in and we landed in the open back. we lay their for a few seconds before the previous news struck me again. i was an experiment  " highfire i'm a-" he cut me off. "I know" he replied back. I lay there staring at the ceiling of the space craft unable to think clearly. "solder are you injured" ultra Magnus questions. I ignored him but heard highfire replied. "no were not just....." he trailed off. I remembered the recorder I had turned on and fished it out of my subspace. 

I slowly got up and handed it to ultra Magnus. "this is all.....I got" I said and then turned back around. "B-127 that doesn't change anything your still you" highfire insisted. "no I'm not not how I was before how much did they make me forget just my name or more" he looked confused and I realized he wasn't their for all of it. "listen to the video" was all I said. I looked into his optics they were full of confusion and sadness. he turned away and walked over to ultra Magnus who was plugging in the device. him bulkhead and wheel Jack begun listing to it. I walked to the back of the ship next to the engine to drown out the noise. I couldn't relive that moment. ~hello we haven't spoken in a while~ at first the voice spooked me. 

'oh hello' I replied in my mind. ~so you've finally found out the truth bumblebee~ the name suddenly had meaning behind it. 'so that's my real name' I restarted. ~yes and I have someone that I want you to talk to~ the femme voice replied. every thing went dark only to open up to a large open room. the walls were tall and white with floral designs carved into pillars that lived in the corners. "hello my son" the voice I knew it instantly. "carrier" I whispered looking behind me. their she stood here beautiful yellow and pink frame radiating with a blue hue. "yes it me my sweet bee" I didn't wast any time and ran over hugging her tightly.  "i'm glade to see you to" she replied with a chuckle. "i've missed you so much" I say letting her go. 

"what do you need me to do" I added remembering that the allspark had brought me here. "I only wish for you to reclaim your name and I get to see my favorite"  I heard another voice behind her. "hey I thought I was your favorite" my adopted sister aquabeam replied. "son" nova corrected. "aquabeam" I said and walked over to hug her as well. "hows my little brother doing" she said rubbing my helm. "great just wish you guys were with me" I replied and another chuckle was heard behind her. "sire" I said looking behind her. "come on are you to old to give your sire a hug" he said holding his arms open wide. I ran over hugging him to. I felt nova and aquabeam join the hug. "I will never forget this" I said as they pulled away. "so will you reclame your name" kickback said hope sparkling in his optics. 

"of course I will" they all gave a small and excited smile. ~you may stay with them for a while no time has passed in the real world~ the voice of the all spark said. "thank you" I replied to the air unshur where to direct it at. I stayed and we caught up and just talked for some time. this was something I would never share with anyone just my special secret. it was peaceful and nice to be reunited with my family. ~oh I almost forgot~ the teasing voice of the allspark added. "hey bee" I wiped around. "stormchaser" I said walking over hugging him to. I lead him back to the rest of the group and we sat in a circle just talking. ~are you ready to go back~ the allspark questions. I never would be but I had to at some point. "yes" I said and the rest all gave their goodbyes. I gave one last final wave before it all faded to black then back to the sceme of the space ship. 

highfire walked up to me a concerned look on his face. "I'm so sorry" he whimpered. "no I just.......... realized that nothing has really changed" I say and instead got a confused look on his face. "just like that" he said with a very confused tone. "yes and I'm going to reclaim the name bumblebee I ow it too my carrier" his gaze soften. "well hello bumblebee" he said using my new name. I got a warm feeling inside me. I gave him a smile and we rode in the ship all the way back to the camp where we explained everything to Optimus. I felt fully at peace for the first time in what seemed like forever. I repeated the name over in my helm. 'bumblebee'

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