Who Am I?

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Hermione was headed outside to play with some of her friends. She looked down as she was stepping off the door step and saw a envelope. It had green writing on it. Hermione picked it up and took it inside to her parents.

" Mum, dad, look what I found on our front steps." Hermione said to her parents.

They took the letter and opened it up and started to read it to themselves. After a few minutes of reading the papers they looked at Hermione proudly.

"It looks like we have a witch in the family dear." Hermione's mother said handing her the letter.

Hermione took the letter and read it at least four times before she said anything.

"I can not be a witch. Mum, I go to school down the road, I have friends. This is ridiculous. "Hermione spat out as fast as possible.

Before her parents could say another word she was out the front door to hang with her friends. It's just a sick joke they're playing. It's not real. Hermione thought to herself.

Hermione is a 11 year old girl. She has brown chocolate eyes and big bushy light brown hair. She is very smart for her age. She reads all the time. Thats how she got the name book worm.

She lived in the muggle world with her muggle parents. They were dentists.


Later that day when Hermione came home for dinner her parents sat her down and talked to her.

"Hermione, we know it comes as a shock but you are a witch. In September you will start attending Hogwarts School of Witch craft and Wizarding. You have no say in the matter." Hermione's father says. He looks at her and sees her pouting.

Hermione's mother adds in," We are going to London to get you're school supplies tomorrow. They are plenty of books to keep you busy until September first." Her mother beamed knowing that would cheer her up a bit. Hermione cracked a smile.

"What do I tell my friends about my new school?" Hermione asked not knowing what to tell them.

Her mother smiled and said" We'll tell them You're going to boarding school. Hogwarts is some what of a boarding school. You will live there year round expect during Christmas. You'll have two weeks off to come home."

Hermione sighed, she wasn't too thrilled about going away to school. She didn't want to leave her two best friends behind. Mary and Rose. She has known them both sense pre-school and dreaded telling them she was going away to school from now on.

"Can we talk about this more tomorrow when we go shopping for school? "Hermione asked standing up wanting to head to bed.

"Yes dear, thats fine." Hermione's father said.

Hermione gave her mum and dad a kiss on the check and said goodnight. She headed up to her room on the second floor. It was a decent size room. There were books shelves covering the walls. She is a book worm. There was a desk for her to complete her school work on. In the cornor she has a chair and floor lamp for reading. Of course she had a dresser, bed , and closet.

She went over to her dresser and pulled out her pajamas. She changed into them and threw her dirty clothes into the hamper in her bathroom. She brushed her teeth and washed her face.

When she came out of the bathroom she laid on her bed. Her final though before she fell fast asleep was who am I? She dreamt of all the possibilities that awaited her tomorrow.


Please like, comment, and share. Please also vote! I know its not the greatest story written but like I said before its my first time writing a story. But I would like feed back so I should know to keep going with it or not! Thanks!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2015 ⏰

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