~ | • Fragments of Memories P.3

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It was... Very dark. At least that's what P currently saw, his systems had crashed once again when they left the room together J. He just hoped everyone was okay.

Who would have expected that. Returning, P was again in a dark room, which made him look around. He was floating in the air without having wings, and once again his body was created in this world.

Then he looked at his hands and sighed. He was going to have some kind of nightmare again, or something like that. But he was ready for anything now, which made him smile and lift his head.

Expecting still darkness or eventually an image of a nightmare or dream, he was surprised when he saw... A blue sphere of weak light that flew in a slow but elegant movement towards him.

Once the ball was in front of him, he began to look at it. As if it wanted to start playing, it flew around him and stopped in front of him again.

P however reacted with a slight smile, however interested in the small sphere he reached out to it and grabbed it. However then his visor changed color to light blue and he became disoriented. Then the words "Downloaded Program. Database detected Original Creator Content Package" appeared before his eyes.

He raised an eyebrow, his eyes currently tinged with blue. Package? Creator? He hadn't expected that at all. Then, a message appeared before his eyes: "The program asks for self-activation. Consent? Y/N."

He frowned but agreed, then in the lower left corner an Avatar of a random character appeared, no, it was a person with white hair and eyes with a smile.

???: "Hello P. I am your helper and your latest update named "P.F." for short, the full name is not needed. Do you have any questions?"

P widened his eyes in surprise and shock. Why is he only finding out about this update now? Oh well, he'll continue as this AI wants.

P: "Who... am I?"

???: "Your name is Serial Designation P, or simply P. You are an Advanced Disassembly Drone that was designed by JCJenson, a company that made drones, but you were remade from an Advanced Worker Drone. Your real creator is Peter Farley who is currently dead from being shot with a revolver at a gala, then the last update was also tried to be implemented, which is Me!"

He only raised an eyebrow at the AI's words, was it true, then another question came to his mind, but he asked it out loud.

P: "Okay, where are we?"

P.F.: "You are currently in a spaceship. And if we are talking about the middle of your operating systems, we should be in the memory card."

P: "And why if I may ask?"

P.F.: "Your operating system is trying to restore your locked data, but some virus is blocking its interference, in short the system has automatically chosen your consciousness to acquire memories because the virus has no effect on you as a person."

P: "Virus? What virus?"

P.F.: "Defective Virus. It messes up all your systems, blocks your access to weapons and so on, there's something else but my sources can't reach it"

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