A lot of seconds passed, at least 60 of them, and then they had walked through a half ovalled stone "doorway", and the first thing to see are dozens of guys and a couple of ladies walking and and conversing with one another.
carryin swords nd stuff and wearing cool wizard hats and som even wore stong man lokinh hats.
spanish: omg wher are we????
fluently I doughnut know! Why on God's green, flat Earth would I know!?
spalnish: wiat,,, the erde ist flat? This....explain everting....
whil spanihs was having a mental brekdown, not realisin dit erde is flat, fluently was laughting at his gullibleness. Eviehter thinking it war cute of that he is just dumb. he thinks that 'haha......spanish,, so fair yet DUmb. Liek all od the vinest princessen!'
Some starnge man was standin on a ruff, reciting his faaaav shakepsere play, Romeo et Juul. and everyone was happilt watching like the guys who watched shapkespearre like from a loooong time aho OH and they war also throwmg rancid tomatoes at the guys.
Spamogj: um fluenty where did xarrof go? (spanish said scard.)
Fluenty: oh no, youre rihgt,,,' fluntly looked aroumf in a 360 spin, 'i thnk thst he's,,,,,gonr!!!!!
Spnaifh: 'we are goign to startve here!!!! oh wiat he eft us a note! mu bad.
and then he picked up the note an read it allud to fluently:
"Dear I-don't-know-what-either-of-your-names-are,
Our leader is on the first house on the right. You know, the one with the red door ?
Yes he is there.
And yes he is hot !!!
FLuenty: Omg hes hot?? i need to se him now!!
Spanish: All rigth, let us go to haus with a red tuer.
When fleuntlij opene de tur, he sawr the hottenst man his ever seen... white, carzy hair,
big grasses on hes heaf. "Heeeello, boooooooys," the unkown hot man says very hotly. They probaly both think 'omg so hot' spanish looker ovra at flunetly who kept looking at things that were not him and he felt a powerful twinge of jealousy. hes probably embarrsed to look at the most powerful leadr even thou he probakly into that. spanudg HIT filuently and pull him close so he wcan wisper to him.
spanihx and fkluently look ovear atf eachother and wipser:
spanish: "oh my god he is so hot, but--'
fluenty: not as hot asd yu......'
then they stoped wipsering because spamnish yellt n fluenties ear when he hit on him, "FLUENYLU!!!! STOP!!!!!' and spanoishb said it reallry loud, and he growled it too. Fluently look at Spanish sadly and mutterd: '...but it was no hom0.... not!!"
i think Fluently is too used to Spnihs being rude, so he just put his arm arounf Spanish and luaghted at Spanish. thes made Spanish very flustrated becos he didnt wan to be make fun of but at tnhe same time ehes ok with it becaus... its Fluentli. anywaysssss,,,
"AHMEM!!!!!!! Boys?" msyterios man says to them, 'my name's Tim. 'nd that's all yor allow'd tuh call me.......in front of me face."
he stares at the,m menacingly,,,
spanih and fluently look at ecahothr
it is vari intesnse
Tim: "Oh boys!!! HAHAHA. i was just kiddinya. Not.'