The first meeting

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The sun was beginning to set down behind the hills, casting the park with a soft orange glow. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves of a tree, filling the air with the sound of the nature whispering. In the farthest corner, I saw this blond girl, she stood in the soft light, her hair falling in gentle waves down her shoulders like strands of spun gold. The sunlight seemed to catch every highlight, giving her hair a natural shimmer that framed her delicate face. Her skin was fair, with a touch of warmth from the sun, and her eyes bright and clear held a spark of curiosity, as if she was always on the verge of discovering something new. She had an air of quiet confidence, her movements graceful yet grounded, and there was something about the way she smiled—soft, but sincere that made her seem both approachable and mysterious at the same time.

As I approach the girl, her golden hair seems to glow even more in the fading light, softly framing her face. Her presence is calm, yet there’s an undeniable sense of quiet strength in the way she holds herself. Her soft smile, delicate and unassuming, becomes clearer with each step I take. Her eyes meet mine, curious but steady, as if she’s taking in everything without a word. There’s something about her that feels inviting, yet mysterious, like she’s open to conversation but guarding a part of herself, waiting to see what happens next. As I reach her, my pulse quickens slightly, but I manage to keep my voice steady.

“Hey,” I say, my tone casual but unsure how she’ll respond. “I noticed you over here and thought I’d say hello.”

Her eyes meet mine again, and for a moment, there’s a quiet pause. Then, her lips curl slightly into that same soft smile I noticed earlier.

“Hello,” she replies, her voice as gentle as her expression. There’s a warmth in the way she says it, like she’s inviting me to continue, but also a hint of mystery, as if there’s more beneath the surface that she’s not ready to reveal just yet.

“What brings you out here?” I ask, feeling a little more at ease.

She glances at the sky for a moment before turning back to me. “Just needed some fresh air,” she says, her voice calm, almost reflective. "And you?"

“I was just taking my time to clear my mind,” I say, my gaze drifting for a moment to the horizon before settling back on her. The air between us feels calm, almost peaceful, as if our reasons for being here align in some unspoken way.

She nods, her expression softening a bit more, as if she understands without needing to ask further. “This is a good place for that,” she says quietly, her voice carrying a thoughtful tone. There’s a sense of shared solitude, like we both came here for the same purpose, without knowing it.

For a moment, we just stand there, the quiet filling the space between us, but it doesn’t feel awkward—more like a mutual understanding in the silence. Then, with a slight tilt of her head, she looks at me and asks, “Does it help?”

I pause, thinking about it for a second. "Sometimes,” I admit, “but today... maybe a little more.

She looks at me with a knowing smile, as if my answer made perfect sense. "Yeah, some days it works better than others," she says softly, her voice almost blending with the gentle rustling of the trees.

For a moment, the silence returns, but it’s comfortable. The world around us feels distant, like we’ve carved out a small space where time slows down.

I take a breath, feeling a bit more relaxed now. “Do you come here often?” I ask, curious to know more about her.

She glances around, then back at me. “Sometimes. It’s quiet here, you know? A good place to think, or not think,” she says with a slight shrug, her eyes momentarily lost in thought. “I like that you can just be. No expectations.”

Encounter in the Park (In pause)Where stories live. Discover now