Poem 27( Can I forgive myself ? )

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~Can I forgive myself ?
~Yes , of course
~But why would i do that ?
~To have faith in myself again
~Faith in what again ?
~My strengths and weaknesses all of them
~Do i even have strength ?
~Yes you just don't let it out yet
~Why can't i let it our yet ?
~Cause you blame yourself for things that aren't even worth for
~Why would i blame myself ?
~Cause you feel as if you didn't do that
~You'd be losing a great part of yourself
~Why would i think like that ?
~Deep down you know the truth
~But you let yourself believe
~Living with it felt more justified
~Even is it meant torturing yourself
~Why are you telling me all this ?
~You need to hear the voice inside your head
~I am that voice
~So please , i request
~For you to forgive yourself
~And live life to the fullest
~Don't waste it on thought's like that
~Again i beg you with tears
~Don't choose to blame yourself
~When the fault is'nt yours at all
~Admit it
~Deep down you know the reality as well

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