If We Being Rëal

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"Each year, a handful of young initiatives are chosen to undergo a trial unlike any other. They must journey to a mysterious, alternate dimension where their true potential and destiny will be revealed. This dimension is known as the Realm of Fates,,

-Rafael Mayers,year 2789

Master of the ceremonies handed me a magnificent ceremonial blade encrusted with jewels. The knife was a work of art, with a rare, shimmering metal for its blade that seemed to hum with power. The handle was expertly carved from dark wood and adorned with intricate silver and gold filigree details, along with precious stones that glinted under the hall's lights. As I held it in my hand, I could feel its weight and the power radiating from it, almost as if it were humming with energy.

He motioned to a stone altar covered in intricate runes. It was a marvel of ancient craftsmanship, its surface etched with symbols that seemed to pulse with a life of their own. Embedded within the stone were various mechanical components-gears and cogs that moved in a precise, almost hypnotic rhythm.

These mechanisms were not merely decorative; they served a crucial purpose in the ritual. As the gears turned, they activated hidden compartments and channels within the altar, designed to collect and channel the blood of the participants. On top of the altar was something that looked like a mechanism, but it wasn't made of metal. Instead, it was a swirling mass of what looked like tar and shimmering darkness intertwined together, almost like a vortex. I looked at the knife, took a deep breath, and with one swift motion, sliced my hand as if it was butter. The blade was sharp as hell. Pain flared briefly, then finally dulled. My blood dripped onto the ground, each drop echoing in the silence. Here I go, I thought, and placed my hand on the swirling material. It felt like I was touching a living, breathing entity. Everything went silent. I closed my eyes, and when I opened them, I was somewhere else.

The ruins of the city ,long lost I suppose,opened before me.This transition was achieved through an ancient and powerful ritual. I remembered reading about it in old, dusty tomes. The swirling mass on the altar was created by melting down powerful artifacts, each one imbued with immense magical energy. These artifacts had been collected over centuries, each one a relic of a bygone era, holding the essence of cursed energy. The final component of the ritual was the blood of those who had undergone the Choosing before me. Their blood, rich with the memories and experiences of countless individuals, were the key to unlocking the portal to this other plane. The combination of these elements created a bridge between worlds, allowing me to step into a realm beyond our own.Even though I understood how,I couldn't believe it.My brother,my father they all underwent it,but nothing compares when you experience it yourself.

As I stood frozen in awe, a magnificent black phoenix soared into view. Its sleek, obsidian feathers glistened in the sunlight, reflecting a multitude of colors like a prism. The bird's piercing golden eyes glowed with an formidable intensity, and its sharp beak and claws sparkled with an otherworldly sheen. It was larger than any creature I had ever seen, with wings that spanned the sky and seemed to command it's very movements.

My mind raced as I tried to make sense of the situation. Should I try to tame this majestic beast or offer it a sacrifice or just simply talk to it? My thoughts were interrupted as the phoenix began to descend towards me. Its powerful wings beat against the air, causing a rush of wind that blew my hair back and sent shivers down my spine. Yet despite the fear that gripped me, I couldn't tear my gaze away from the mesmerizing creature.

With every step the phoenix took, my heart pounded louder in my chest. Adrenaline coursed through my veins as I cautiously approached the magnificent bird. Its fiery eyes never left mine, almost as if the beast could sense my every move. As we stood only a few feet apart, I could feel the weight of this moment pressing down on me. This encounter would determine my fate.

But instead of fear, a sense of determination filled me. This was my chance to prove myself, to show that I was worthy.With one final deep breath, I extended my hand towards the phoenix and hoped it will not think I'm his dinner and bite my fingers off.

The phoenix screeched, flaring its wings into the sky. "Oh no, wrong move," I thought, snatching my hand back. "Sorry," I murmured, my voice barely audible. It felt like I was standing in front of my father again, being scolded for whatever he saw fit that day. My shoulders hunched slightly, and I took a step back, my eyes wide with a mix of fear and awe.

"Mortal, you do not deserve to touch such a magnificent beast like me," the phoenix declared, looking straight into my eyes. I was stunned, my mouth opening and closing as I tried to process his words. "Huh, you can speak?" I finally managed to stammer, my hands trembling slightly at my sides.

"Of course I can speak!" he retorted, glaring at me as if I were beneath him. I instinctively straightened my posture, trying to appear more confident than I felt. "I am here to decide your fate," he said.

I was left speechless, my mind racing. "How may I call you?" I asked, my voice steadier now, though my heart still pounded in my chest.

"My name is Valerian, the Lord of the Gifts."

"My name is Skyleen," I replied, my voice softening as I introduced myself. I shifted my weight from one foot to the other, feeling the gravity of the moment.

He scoffed. "I know who you are, child."

"And I know nothing, obviously," I muttered, looking down at my feet as my dress slowly shifted in the wind. "What is it that I need to do?" I asked, looking up at him, my mind racing.

"You need to stay quiet, little one, while I look into your heart and find what awaits you," he said.

I stood there, a million questions swirling in my head. What does he mean, literally?I did not believe it would be so simple My thoughts were interrupted by his next command.

"Now, cut out your heart," he demanded, and my head exploded with confusion.

"Cut it out?" I asked, dumbfounded. "But how?" I felt the cold blade in my hands-the ritual blade given to me by the master of ceremonies. Had I been holding it all this time?

"Do it, or I will do it for you," he looked at me, and I felt panic surging through me. Is this a test? Do I have to do it, or do I not? How do I know?

My mind was a whirlwind of emotions. Fear gripped my heart, making it hard to breathe. The blade felt impossibly heavy in my trembling hands. Memories of past failures and doubts flooded my thoughts. What if I couldn't do it? What if I wasn't strong enough? The weight of the phoenix's gaze bore down on me, and I felt small.

But beneath the fear, a spark of fire flickered. This was my chance to prove myself, to show that I was more than my doubts and fears. I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart. Each beat pounded in my ears, a relentless drum that echoed my anxiety. The ritual blade glinted in the light, a reminder of the a decision that must be made. I had to trust in myself, in the strength that had brought me this far.

"No, you do not command me!" I shouted, my voice echoing through the empty room. My muscles tensed as I took a defensive stance, ready to fight. Years of training and taking beatings from my older brother had prepared me for this moment. The adrenaline pumping through my veins fueled my determination to stand up against the massive phoenix in front of me. Though I knew I couldn't physically overpower it, I refused to back down without a fight. It was time to put all those years of practice to use. With gritted teeth and a fierce glare, I braced myself for the battle ahead.

"Very well, little one, have it your way," Valerian said, stepping closer. He opened his enormous beak and swallowed me whole

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