Spectral Dominion

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A/N: An overview of your ability, skip to chapter one if you are uninterested in reading it.

Special ability "Spectral Dominion" (幽霊の支配)

Description: Summon and control spirits from the underworld to fight on their behalf, manipulate objects, or overwhelm enemies. The spirits are bound by the user's energy and will. Ability to create barriers that trap the enemy within a "spectral zone" where the spirits' power is enhanced. The spirits slowly drain the energy from anyone within the zone.

Primary Ability: The user can summon up to five spirits at a time, each with different abilities (for example: one spirit might be a fast attacker, whilst another shields/guards the user from harm, etc.). The spirits are tied to the user's energy but are semi-autonomous, and act based on the will of the user.

"Soul Anchor" (魂の錨) - The user can anchor a spirit onto an object/person for a limited amount of time. When anchored, the spirit can weaken the person, or even force them to move involuntarily.

Weaknesses: The user can summon multiple spirits, however doing so will consume significant energy on their behalf. If the user loses focus or runs low on energy, the spirits will also weaken.

Summoning and controlling spirits drains the ability user's energy and overall mental stability. Overuse of this ability can lead to psychological damage, and manifest itself as hallucinations, paranoia, or erratic behaviour. The stronger or more numerous the spirits, the greater the strain on the ability user. Increasing the risk of mental collapse.

The further the spirits are from the user, the weaker their connection to the user's energy. As a result, close and mid-range attacks are optimal for stronger control over the spirits.

The spirit's behaviour can be directly influenced by the user's emotional condition. The ability user must be calm and concentrated in order for the spirits to be disciplined and obey directions correctly. However, if the person becomes emotionally unstable due to fear, rage, or despair, the spirits will begin to behave unexpectedly. This will be accomplished by defying commands, acting strangely, or even becoming hostile.

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