Volume 7 Chapter 3: Choice

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Tokyo, Japan
Staff Reception
December 10th, 2019


Me [Chabashira-Sensei if you wanted to seduce me you could've just asked]

Chabashira [Excuse me?]

Me [Sorry, Yoshida said I should joke around more often]

Chabashira [Stick to your ominous persona]

Me [Sorry]

Me {And even realizing Chabashira Sensei knocked on the door to the room}

Chabashira [Headmaster. I've brought Ayanokoji Kiyotaka-kun]

Me {Headmaster, huh?}

??? [Please enter]

Me {I heard a gentle voice, but a dignified one befitting his age. And Chabashira-sensei opened the door to the reception office}

Me {A man roughly in his 60's sat on a sofa. I've seen him several times whether it be the entrance ceremony or the student council election. His expression is not a laid back one but rather, I could see the beads of sweat forming on his forehead}

Me {And there was one more person opposite of him. I'm sure of it now. Of why I was called here}

Headmaster [Now then, the two of you can have your conversation....you don't mind, do you?]

??? [Of course not]

Headmaster [I'll be taking my leave so feel free to take your time. If you'll excuse me]

Me {The man sitting opposite of the headmaster was in his 40s. Despite being younger the headmaster treated him with the upmost respect}

Chabashira [Then I'll also excuse myself]

Me {Chabashira bowed then left}

Me {As the door closed, the only sound I heard was the faint sound of the heating system. As I stood still, the man quietly said}

The Man [How about you sit down. I chose to meet up with you after all]

Me {It's been one ye-, no...one and a half years since I've heard this man's voice}

Me {His way of speaking hasn't changed at all. Not that I wanted it to change}

Me [I'm not planning on holding a long conversation that requires me to sit down, I have planned on meeting some friends later]

The Man [Friends? Don't make me laugh. You're incapable of such things]

Me {He hasn't seen how I lived up until now, yet that statement is still true}

Me [Whether we talk now or not will amount to nothing]

The Man [So I can assume that I got a favorable answer? If that's so, there's no need to talk anymore. I'm also busy and just got some time off]

Me [I don't know the answer you want is]

The Man [I have prepared the papers for you to drop out. I was talking about it with the headmaster earlier. You just have to say "yes", then we can be done with it]

 The Lazy Defect, Year 1: (Classroom Of The Elite Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now