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chapter two:


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Sunny arrived at Eli's house as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in shades of orange and pink. She had been informed by Eli's mom that he was particularly distressed, so she hurried over, her heart heavy with concern.

Mrs. Hudson greeted her at the door, her face etched with worry. "Thank you for coming, Sunny. Eli's been having a tough time. Kyler posted more nasty things about him online. I saw it, and I called the school. He's up in his room, if you wouldn't mind going to check on him."

Sunny nodded, her expression serious. "Of course. I'll head up there now."

Mrs. Hudson led her up the stairs and down the hallway to Eli's room. The house was unusually quiet, the normal bustle replaced by a heavy silence. Sunny could hear faint sobs through the closed door. She knocked gently before pushing it open.

Eli was sitting on his bed, his body hunched over, his face buried in his hands. The room was a mess—papers scattered, clothes thrown haphazardly, and the glow of Eli's laptop casting an eerie light. The screen was filled with Kyler's cruel comments, each one a stab to Eli's already wounded spirit.

"Hey, Eli," Sunny said softly as she stepped into the room. Her voice was careful, trying to avoid startling him. "I'm really sorry you're going through this."

Eli looked up, his eyes red and swollen, streaked with tears. "Sunny," he said, his voice cracking. "I just... I don't get it. Why does he keep doing this? It's like he wants to ruin everything for me."

Sunny sat down beside him on the bed, her presence a quiet anchor in the storm of his emotions. She placed a gentle hand on his back. "Some people act out like this because they're dealing with their own issues. It's not fair, and it's not right. But that doesn't make it your fault. You don't deserve any of this."

Eli sniffled, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. "I thought things would get better after the last time we talked. But it's gotten worse. My mom saw what Kyler posted, and she's so upset. She called the school, but I don't know if that will help."

Sunny nodded, her gaze steady. "Your mom did the right thing by calling the school. They need to be aware of what's happening. It's important that they take action to stop this. And remember, you don't have to face this alone. You have people who care about you and want to support you."

Eli shook his head, his frustration evident. "I just feel so helpless. No matter what I do, it feels like he just keeps coming after me. I've tried to ignore it, but it's getting harder."

𝐏𝐀𝐏𝐄𝐑 𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒| Eli MoskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now