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AN: To all the readers who were reading "return to me" the story has been deleted and discontinued, I felt as if the story wasn't going anywhere I wanted to start fresh with a new story and charters. I love each and every one of you, I'm sorry.


I ran outside shaking and with tears in my eyes. I couldn't believe he would do this to me. I started walking away from his house not caring how crazy I looked given the fact that it was pouring rain outside. "KATIE WAIT" I heard him scream behind me. I started walking even faster not caring about him, or the rain, or what he did. I heard step foots getting closer to me.

He grabbed my wrist and I turned around trying my best not to look him in the eyes... I couldn't bear to look at him in the eyes. I just focused on the ground and how I couldn't tell which were droplets of rain hitting the concrete and which were my tears. "Katie wait just give me one more chance... I promise I will never hurt you again"

I snapped my head to look at him, as much as it hurt I looked him dead in the eyes. His eyes weren't bright green anymore they didn't bring shivers throughout my body when I looked into them anymore. They were cold and meaningless to me I felt nothing.

They were also red and puffy with tears falling out of them. As much as I hated him, seeing him cry in this very moment broke my heart. I pushed those feelings out of my head as fast I could and said "NO JACKSON YOU DONT GET ANOTHER CHACE NOT AGAIN.... NEVER AGAIN" I ripped my wrist from his soft hands, I use to love when those hands would touch me but not anymore now it just makes me sick.

I started running down the dark lonely street towards my home, as I was running away from him and all my problems I heard his faint voice say "but... I still love you katie I always will"

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