part 9

26 11 0

_____ she slept right beside him while the moon light was hitting on jimin's face making him look ethernal as a man in a fictional world we always heard of .....

[ Next morning ]

There's still two days left in yoongi's arrival in Korea as his deal was finalized he thought to spend some of his time with jimin's parents

[ Yoongi pov ]

As I was in Canberra I've to wake up early in the morning to reach Sydney . It's not my first time visiting at jimin's parents house but whenever I go there I feel nervous even though they treat me as their own son

I was on my way to Sydney just when I got a call from jimin and unlogically a smile crept on a lips cause I know how much he loves his parents

" Assalamualaikum ! Jimina !

" Walaikum assalam ! Hyung !

Jimin was smiling sheeplessly after hearing yoongi's blooming voice as he was in hospital

" You woke - up early today ?

" Yes ! Actually at 2:00 a.m. I got a call for a night shift I was in my cabin right now !

" Yeah ! It's not easy to be an clinical psychologist !

" It wasn't like that hyung , by the way what are you doing ?

" I was on my way to visit your parents ! I also kept your gifts safely , will you tell me which sweets your mom will prefer to eat ?

" Yah ! Mom like bourbon chocolate and about Appa -

Yoongi cut jimin off as he knows what jimin was about to say

" Jimina ! I told you already uncle love's cinnamon rolls . I already pick them up on my way but whenever I go your eomma ask's me that I only knows what uncle likes !

" Eomma is alway's like this ! Hyung please don't forget your promise ok !

" For the damn god sake , jimina ! You're telling me this for the ⁵⁰th time , don't worry my boy everything will be fine .

Actually yoongi had made an promise to jimin that he'll let him hear his parents voice after years , he's is going to hear his parents just the thought of this made jimin sober

" In shaa Allah ! Okay I won't disturb you anymore but don't forget to call me when you reach at mansion !

" Okay !

" Allah Hafiz , fi Aman Illah !

Jimin placed the phone near his heart as it was beating so fast , his excitement was on another level

While tae was woke up by now but he didn't change his clothes and took out his car while bidding bye to his mom at the same time he's taking breakfast for flora which was made by his mom

" My son ! I'm the most happiest person in the world after seeing your boths friendship tell my little flora that eomma is missing her alot !

" Yeah ! I'll [ only i know how much little and innocent she's ]

Taehyung was mumbling to himself but came back towards reality after getting smack on his head

" Wae ! Eomma why did you hit me ?

" Don't talk nasty about my daughter or you'll be homeless !

" Aish ! But I'm your son too , show some mercy on me or am I adopted ?

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