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'I should just run away right? I mean any sane person would if they were in my situation, but I can't. Maybe i'm scared or maybe I don't want to leave my friends, I really don't know.' I awake from this deep thought, and see my phone screen light up.

I can't sleep.-Ezra

Me either.-Aria

I climb out of bed and look down, I can't go to Ezra's like this. I'm wearing a shirt with about 100 holes in it and just my underwear. "God, my rooms a literal shit hole." I whisper to myself as I pick up a hoodie that I found underneath my bed. I don't know whose it is but it's probably Ezra's because of the stench of alcohol and ash coming from it. I put it on and look in my mirror, it covers my shoulders. Thank god. I walk over to my window and open it slowly, being careful to not wake my stirring father. I step one foot out my window and on to the big oak tree outside my house and then the other. I should just use my brother's window; it's way easier to sneak out of. But I can't go in there anymore, not after what happened last summer.

Whenever Ezra messages me late at night something like "I can't sleep" or "I just opened a bottle." What he really means is come over, I need you. I unlock my car door and step in. My car always smells odd, but I like odd. It's comforting. I put my rusty key in and start making my way to Ezra's. I reckon if you blindfolded me, I would still be able to drive to Ezra's. I'm at Ezra's more than i'm at my own house although my father doesn't know, he's too drunk to realise i'm gone half the time.

I arrive at Ezra's and lift up his welcome home mat to find the spare key. It's a stupid place to put a key, I can't believe he hasn't been burgled yet, but yet no one really comes down near where he lives so I guess it makes sense. I unlock the door, "Ezra!" he's not on the sofa, which is his usual spot or in his bed. Then I see the door open ajar. It's one of those nights.

I open the door to him leaning on the edge of his balcony smoking a cigarette, I walk up and place my body next to him.

"Hey baby."

"Hi, Ezra"

"What was this one about." I say looking up at him and notice his head move slightly over his shoulder.

"What makes you think I had one." He says shrugging and turning to face the city of rosewood again.

"Because I know you only stand on your balcony after you've had a nightmare about your past." I say wittingly as I snatch the cigarette out of his hand just as he was bringing it up to his lips. I take a long drag and exhale, I love the feeling it's like taking all my pain out and watching it fly away. "I notice things. You should know that by now Ezra"

"What happened?" He turns to face me with a concerned look on his face.

"What do you mean?" I look down at my feet. I'm lying to him again. Why do I always do this. I always lie to the people I care about and I don't even know why, I even lie when i'm going to tell them the truth.

"I know something happened because you only take a long drag when you're thinking about something that happened to you today." He says as he lifts my chin up and smirks, "I notice things. You should know that by now Aria." I face away from him at look over at the city and he follows my move. The lights, the sound of cars driving down the highway and the soft gust of wind that permanently surrounds Rosewood.

"My dad hit me again." I say blankly staring at the view in front of me.

"Show me." He says with worry on his face.

I lift up my hoodie to reveal bruises and cuts all over my stomach. I can see his face wincing at the sight of my bruises and him looking over his shoulder.

"You don't have to look you know," as I pull down my hoodie to cover my bruises. "I know it brings up a lot of shit you went through when you were my age and I don't want you to have to think about that again." I say as I look down at my feet to prevent the tears from cascading down my face.

"Hey, look at me. It hurts me to see you like this knowing that I know exactly how isolating and trapped you feel, so i'm going to help you, no matter how much shit it brings up." He says as he stares into my eyes with hope that I understand what he's saying.

"I know it does."

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