rainy days and stormy nights.

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it was 4am on a sunday. almost everyone in the house was dead asleep, even larry with his fucked up schedule was dosing on his bed, dreaming about whatever's on his mind. isaac, however, was so very awake.

it was often that he cursed his near-superhuman hearing, but this was a time he was thankful for it. for if he stopped moving, and listened real close, he could hear the quiet, heartbroken sobs of his roommate and best friend nick.

nick, who could barely make it out of his room.

nick, who hadn't picked up his camera in two weeks now.

nick, who was going through the worst breakup isaac had ever seen.

to be honest, it was expected, his girlfriend having been with him for almost five years. it was expected, as they had literally outlasted a worldwide pandemic. isaac definitely didn't blame him, especially knowing how sensitive and emotional nick can get.

so, instead of judging, isaac had decided to be nick's personal caretaker, even though he didn't ask.

making him food, just sitting next to him and talking when he needed someone, even helping him shower two or three times, isaac did anything he could to help nick feel better. after all, that was his best friend. he'd do anything to take care of his best friend.

this was one of those times where nick's crying had woken up isaac in the middle of the night. nick would apologise profusely later, but isaac really didn't mind. right now, nick came first. isaac pushed himself up onto his feet and swung open his door. his socked feet made quiet thuds on the hardwood floor as he chased after the soft cries. isaac layed a few gentle raps on the door to nick's room with two fingers, only recieving a broken, barely audible hum in response. the door creaked open, revealling nick.

he was sitting on the floor, leaning up against his bed with his head in his hands. his broad shoulders shook with every sob that wracked his well-muscled frame. isaac had to fight off tears at the mere sight. nick didn't look up when isaac opened the door, didn't acknowledge the light from the hallway spilling into his room, ignored the soft sigh that left isaac's lips. isaac closed the door behind him, the room returning to its original gloomy state, and carefully sat down at nick's side.

he finally looked up and their eyes met, deep chocolate on cool emerald, colliding and crashing together like waves on a rocky cliffside shore. a few more tears slipped down nick's cheeks, isaac quick to wipe them away with his thumbs before gently wrapping his arms around the fragile boy. nick resumed his crying, this time into isaac's shirt instead of his own hands. isaac just traced shapes into his back and whispered soft words of comfort with his face buried in short, soft curls.


it was a while before nick stopped crying. 15 minutes, maybe 30, hell, it could've been an hour as far as isaac was aware. his back was aching and his legs were beginning to cramp, but he really didn't care all that much. nick was curled up against his side, head resting on his chest and hands grabbing fistfulls of his shirt. isaac was pretty sure he was asleep, until he spoke up.

"thank you, isaac. i- i don't know what i'd do without you."

"for starters, i think you'd have starved already," isaac chuckled, affectionately ruffling nick's hair, "no one else in this house knows how to fucking cook."

nick smiled against isaac's chest, causing him to blush slightly before adding "thank you, nick, for trusting me enough to let me help." he only hummed in response. "we gotta get up though. floor'll hurt after awhile, you know," isaac still spoke softly, keeping his voice low and comforting to a very sensitive nick.

nick nodded, but didn't get up. he was waiting for help, isaac understood. he pulled the boy off of him and leant him up against the bed. isaac stood and stretched, neck and hips and back cracking and whining as he moved them again. then, carefully, he reached his hands out to nick, who gratefully took them.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02 ⏰

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rainy days and stormy nights. {nick softwilly x isaacwhy}Where stories live. Discover now