Chapter 1

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Sol P.O.V.

Narita Airport was bigger than I’d imagined.

People were swarming like busy ants, all with places to be, except me.

When my older sister, Luna, told me she was flying me to Japan for a vacation as a graduation gift, I almost jumped out of my skin with excitement.

I’d never been on a trip before.

The farthest I’d ever gone was an island with beautiful beaches that is just a short boat ride away from the city I live in.

I mean, I’ve never even been to other places in my home country, and now I was about to hop on a plane to a whole new country.

Japan, of all places! It's a dream come true.

It was perfect timing, too.

My life back home was a total chaos. I’d just graduated with a Marketing degree and couldn’t land a single job. Not even as a cashier at Dunkin’ Donuts.

Every interview ended the same way: “You lack experience,” or, “Sorry, you’re not quite what we’re looking for.”

But let’s be honest, it was because I keep on stuttering in interviews.

No matter how confident I seemed on the outside, as soon as they asked that one dreadful question—“Tell me about yourself”—words inside my brain rumble and would completely shut down.

What was I supposed to say?

“I’m Sol, a bubbly ball of chaos who can make everyone laugh but can’t string together a decent answer in an interview”?

Yeah, that wouldn’t go over well.

On the outside, I’m this loud, cheerful little ball of energy, always cracking jokes and lighting up the room.

It’s kind of my thing—living up to my name, Sol, the sun.

My classmates used to say I’m like this giant ball of fire that lights up their day. To them, I’m the girl who’s always smiling, never seems to have a care in the world, and is full of endless positivity.

They’d probably say I don’t even know what the word scared means. I was always the one leading school activities, giving my all in every presentation, and making people laugh.

From the outside, I guess I did seem confident—unshakable, even.

But the truth?

I’m terrified, all the time.

I’ve just gotten really good at pretending I’m not. All that energy, all that brightness they saw? It was like a mask I wore. And when real life finally hit, when school ended and I was thrown into the “grown-up” world, all of that disappeared.

I freeze in interviews, doubting every answer, wondering if I’m good enough for anything.

My classmates were wrong about me. I know what it means to be scared.

I probably know it better than anyone.

So when ate Luna called along with her surprise, I was over the moon.

Maybe I’d find some opportunities here—or maybe I’d just relax and enjoy being away from all the stress back home.

Either way, I was going to make the most out of this trip. If nothing else, I could make my sister’s money worth it.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 hours ago ⏰

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