Tanali 1

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Anna do you love me?What questions Tana of course I love you you had doubtsNo I just wanted to hear you say it I love you with all my heartAwwww love how romantic you are

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Anna do you love me?
What questions Tana of course I love you you had doubts
No I just wanted to hear you say it I love you with all my heart
Awwww love how romantic you are

Anna do you love me?What questions Tana of course I love you you had doubtsNo I just wanted to hear you say it I love you with all my heartAwwww love how romantic you are

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N: You know, it doesn't seem real to me that we are here together A: Believe it my love and reality (if only it were true)

N: You know, it doesn't seem real to me that we are here together A: Believe it my love and reality (if only it were true)

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It seems like August 96 this morning everyone knows that love is in the air and you are a bit fake bourgeois but still we understand each other and it's very rare for me very rare

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It seems like August 96 this morning everyone knows that love is in the air and you are a bit fake bourgeois but still we understand each other and it's very rare for me very rare.

Tanali ❤️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora