CHAPTER 3: On The Floor 🤩

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Since that day when Sophia stood up to Karen, she gained a reputation as someone cool and fierce

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Since that day when Sophia stood up to Karen, she gained a reputation as someone cool and fierce. Everyone seemed eager to befriend her, though Sophia was a bit awkward at first. Over time, she started opening up and making friends, much to Aaron's delight. He was happy to see her finally getting comfortable and socializing.

One afternoon, while school was in full swing, Sophia sat on the stairs leading to the ground with Emily beside her. Emily was sipping on orange juice, while Sophia enjoyed a butterscotch ice cream.

Sophia looked over at Emily and asked, "Are you planning to go to Carrie's birthday party tomorrow? She invited you, right?"

Emily nodded. "Yes, I'm going. Are you going too?"

Sophia hesitated. "I'd love to, but..."

Emily tilted her head. "But what?"

Sophia sighed. "But I don't have a proper outfit."

Emily looked surprised. "You're saying you don't have a dress? Your family is pretty well-off, right?"

Sophia shook her head. "That's not the point. I'm not the type to dress up a lot. I mostly wear track pants, hoodies, and t-shirts, so I don't have any girl stuff. I don't want to bother my dad to get me a new dress just for this party."

Emily seemed thoughtful. "I know you're not into girly stuff, but it doesn't mean you don't have a single dress. I've never seen you wear a skirt or anything like that before Though."

As they talked, a football came flying toward them. It hit Sophia's hand and then her stomach, causing her to drop the ice cream. She winced in pain, bending over and rubbing her stomach. The pain was sharp, and she almost fell over, but Emily quickly caught her.

"Hey, are you okay?" Emily asked urgently. "Let's get you to the nurse."

Sophia's vision blurred, and she lost consciousness. When she opened her eyes again, she found Aaron sitting beside her. Her clothes had been changed, and she was now wearing a black leather jacket.

Sophia sat up, surprised. "Aaron, what are you doing here?"

Aaron sighed. "Emily was on her way somewhere and mentioned that you got hurt and ruined your clothes. I came to check on you."

Sophia looked at him, confused. "There was no need for that."

Aaron shrugged. "I thought we were friends, so I wanted to make sure you were okay."

Sophia raised an eyebrow. "When did I say we were friends?"

"Well, I'm your friend now, since I took care of you for an entire hour," Aaron said with a grin.

Sophia's eyes widened. "An entire hour?"

"Yep," Aaron confirmed.

"What about Emily?" Sophia asked.

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