marriage proposal

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English is not my first language, sorry if I make any mistakes.
Thanks for reading ❤️

Name- y/n
Age- 18
Hair color- h/c
Eye colo- e/c

You were reading a book when you suddenly heard a knock on your door, "you can come in" you said. After saying this a girl came inside your room, her name was Yui. "Your father wants to see you, he is in his study room" Yui said. "Okay, you can go now" you said, then the girl walked out from your room closing the door behind.

Then you went your father study room, you knocked on the door after hearing the word "come in" you went inside. "Sit down" your father said, you did as he said. "Y/n, I have something really important to say" your father said. "And what is it father?" You asked him. "Y/n, there is a marriage proposal for you" your father said. "W-what?" You said not believing what he just said. "Yes you heard it right" your father said.

You were happy to hear that someone was whiling to marry you but at the same time you were also nervous. "Y/n" your father said, "don't worry he is a nice guy he will take care of you" he said. "Y/n? Is everything ok? Why aren't you saying anything?"........."a-ah, I'm o-ok father" you said, while looking down. Your father notice it, "y/n" he said looking at you. "Yes father" you said still looking at the ground. "Do you want to marry him?" He asked "if you don't want to marry him then it's ok I can-" "no father" you said "I want to marry him!" You quickly said looking into his eyes. "Are you sure?" He said, "y-yes I'm sure" you said. "Okay then, I will tell him to come tomorrow so you can see him, and y/n.....if you don't like it then you can say it, I won't force you to marry him" your father said, a little worried about you.

You really love your father more than anything, and you know that he was saying this for your own good, after your mom's death he was the only one who took care of you until now, but now you don't want him to worry about you, you want to make him happy by doing everything you can. So,*you accept the marriage proposal*

Next day-


You were laying down on your futon, it was the day, you were going to meet your future husband, you were thinking about him all night and didn't sleep at all, and aging now you were thinking about him. "Aghh I'm really nervous, how am I going to face him today" you said. when you suddenly heard a knock on the door, "Come in" you said, a woman came inside then said "Mam they have arrived" "really!" You asked, a little excited to meet him. "Yes they are waiting for you in the living room" the woman said. "We will help you to get ready,mam" another woman said, and started to help you get ready.

You wore a beautiful blue dress, and after putting on some makeup you went to the living room. *knock knock!* you knocked on the door, "come in" your father said. After coming inside you saw that a handsome man was sitting there, he was tall and really handsome, he was talking to your father about something when he saw you the man looked at you from head to toe, and smiled, a small blush appeared on your face, your father looked at you and said "this is my daughter y/n, y/n meet Douma your future husband" your father said. "Hi y/n nice to meet you" douma said while staring at you. "Nice to meet you too D-douma!" You said not looking at him. He smiled at you and said "I hope we can get along with each other" still smiling.You were too shy to say anything so you just kept quiet.

"So, y/n did you like douma?" Your father asked you, you looked at him and said "yes father" "and what about you douma?" Your father asked while looking at him "yes I really liked your daughter" he said looking at you. "If you two like each other than I guess-" "we can get married after 5 days, if you don't have any problem" he said. "Y/n are you okay with it" your father asked "no" you said "great, then I should take my leave now Mr Lee" douma said, then he gently grabbed your hand, and kissed it, "see you tomorrow, y/n" he said, you blushed at his action a small smirk appeared on his face, as he let go of your hand, then he left from there your father followed him. You were left alone in the room, still blushing at the fact that he kissed your hand.

"OMG he kissed my hand!!!!" you said to yourself.

Time skip-

After taking a bath you wore your night dress and lay down on your bed, thinking about what just happened today, after some time you fell into a deep sleep.

Sorry if I made any mistakes and thank you for reading ❤️ & don't forgot to read the next chapter. Thank you [♥]

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