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I'm back with an interesting story I hope you enjoy

Autumn wind blew across the city of Konoha. It was late, dark clouds blanketed the sky. Thunder boomed through the air to warn the inhabitants of the village the incoming rain. The handful of people that were outdoors rushed for cover so as to beat the rain.

Naruto stood at the entrance down an alley, his hands clinched tightly and his brow narrowed in frustration. "Sakura-chan... why?" He spoke.

Sakura stared at her feet. Replacing the usual strong woman was a frail teenager, shivering from her shot nerves, "I... I'm sorry Naruto."

"But what about all that time we spent together? Don't those memories mean anything to you? What about me?" He argued passionately while trying to fight the tears back.

"My heart... my heart belongs to Sasuke-kun. We had good times, and I...I do love you. But..." Sakura spoke as her hand reached out and grasped Sasuke's. Her fingers tightened their hold on his to reassure her decision.

The Uchiha heir remained aloof to the situation at hand. He noticed that she kept glancing his direction, as if to signal for him to confirm what they were doing and reassure her it was the right thing. He didn't care though. His desires were being fulfilled and that was all that mattered. He would let Sakura and Naruto emotionally tear each other down; that is unless his goal was being threatened.

"What about my heart?" Naruto slammed his closed hand against the brick wall.

"I...I..." Sakura stuttered. If there was one thing she ever had trouble dealing with, it was an emotional Naruto.

"I bled. I sweat. I trained for years to bring Sasuke back. Not for me, but for you! As time moved on things began to change around us. I felt that we were getting closer. Is all that a lie? Were the emotions behind that kiss you gave me fake?" Tears dropped as he brought up that memory. For once in his life he felt helpless.

Rain drops hit the ground as Sakura looked across the alley at the breaking blond. She watched as he shook emotionally. "No..." She remembered the night she kissed him. Naruto was upset because he failed to convince Madara to stop his plans peacefully and was forced to kill the powerful Uchiha. The fight had shown her just how precious he was to her, and with the kind of enemies he fought against, his time on the planet could be cut short at any moment. She gave into her emotions that night but she had never imagined it coming back on her like this.

"That kiss wasn't fake. Everything I meant was true." Sakura spoke softly. Naruto was loosing it. Every tear he shed, every pulsing pain in his heart, everything. She felt it. She knew she held his heart in her hands, but never did she imagined it was like this.

"Then call off the wedding. Sasuke-teme is just using you. He said it himself. Once Uchiha Itachi was dead, he planned on resurrecting his clan." Naruto opened his hand and then closed it again, scraping his demonic nails against the brick wall unconsciously.

Sakura shook her head, "He may not be as expressive as you, Naruto, but his feelings for me are true."

"How can you be so sure? Does he ever say "I love you"? Does he walk beside you and listen to your opinions? Does he comfort you when your sad? DID HE CHOOSE TO STAY WITH YOU INSTEAD OF RUNNING TO OROCHIMARU?" Naruto yelled out the last part, his voice cracking under the words.

"I...I..." Sakura took a step back from his words. His words hit home. She'd be the first admit that things were like that once. But now... "Your wrong Naruto. Sasuke-kun is different now. He's change. He's become..." She took a step back as is words had physically struck her.

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