Chapter 1

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I pull my hoodie up as I walk out into the harsh rain. The cold surrounds me in its embrace. In less than a minute, I'm drenched from head to toe. I'm wearing the only clothes I own, ripped jeans, worn out, old leather boots, a t-shirt with a band that I don't even know on it and a old black hoodie. My clothes are from lost and found, like all the rest of my belongings. My father would never buy me anything. He is too busy drowning his life in alcohol to even notice if I haven't eaten in days. My stomach growls as I walk through a sea of people to get to the subway. I haven't had breakfast yet, the lunch lady, Molly, at the school cafeteria seems to be the only person in the world that cares about me. She always gives me extra to take home, she is the one thing that makes my life worth living. I sit down as the subway train doors slide shut. I keep my head down the whole time, desperate that no body recognises me. I have a pretty bad reputation for stealing. I don't like stealing and never take anything worth over $20. But I have to steal in order get anything, the lost and found can only provide you with so much. The train stops and I quickly exit with the huge crowd of people, only to enter 7 hours of hell when I go to school.


I spot Jason and his snobby girlfriend Amber. I try to walk past them without them noticing me, but it is no use.
"Hey!" Amber says grabbing my wrist and yanking me back. "Where do you think your going?" She snarls
Amber always puts me down and orders me to do stuff for her, like I'm her little servant, and if I don't co-operate, Jason isn't afraid to get physical to teach me a lesson.
"To math class." I say in a small voice.
"Oh no you aren't, you're not going anywhere until you give us our homework. I hope you did it well, because if I get any lower than a B on it, things won't be pretty." She says crossing her arms.
I sigh and pull out two completed math's homework out of my back pack. I hand it to her and ask irritability
"Can I go to class now?"
"Watch that tone missy." She says, and then she looks at my clothes and smirks "Didn't you wear those clothes yesterday?"
I clench my fists
"You know these are the only clothes I own." I say through gritted teeth
She fake laughs "Oh right. Well you better be careful, you sure wouldn't want them to get dirty then." She gives a side ways glance at Jason.
My eyes widen as I realise what's happening. It try to run, but it's two late. Jason has a hold of me. He picks me up and drops me into the rubbish bin. I gag as a pull a half eaten lollipop off my cheek. I hear Amber laugh as they walk to Math class. I climb out of the bin. Old bits of food is stuck in my hair, but I don't have time to worry about it because I'm late for class. I run down the hallway and stumble into my class.
All eyes turn to me. Everything is silent for 10 seconds, and then a wave of laughter hits my ears as kids point and make fun of me. I feel my cheeks burn red with anger and embarrassment.
Mr Anderson looks at me and asks
"Jackie what happened?"
I know better than to rat out Amber and Jason, they would just make my life ten times worse than it already is if I got them in trouble.
"I fell and accidentally knocked the bin, it fell on top of me." I lie.
Mr Anderson doesn't look convinced, but he nods anyway and excuses me from class to get myself cleaned up.
One of these days, I'm going to get back at Amber and Jason for making my life a living hell, some day they will be sorry for ever messing with me.

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