Chapter Nine: Reincarnation

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   "As she was about to be executed she cursed them. She said that their eye's will reincarnate in every generation to the twins of that family. And another will be born some one just like her, that person will be the one to fulfill her dreams. The reincarnation will end the day  one of them unlocks everything. Since then each generation had  twin's and just like she said they were gifted with the eyes also the mothers reincarnation was there trying to fulfill her dream."
   "Have they succeeded before?"
   "No they haven't. Every time the twins encountered the mothers reincarnation they fought to the death. For so many years that has been the only way to end it."
   "That's absurd. There's no such thing as curse's or dark magic."
    "Well then explain what you have and what our predecessors have had. Its the truth Mai you've inherited it."
    "Even if it is the truth it doesn't make sense. How did I inherit it? Shikoto is my only sibling and I don't have a twin."
    "That's why I was shocked when I saw your eye's. It looks like your reincarnation is special. You saw the future somehow that I need to find out."
    "Okay then who is the other person who possesses my eye's?"
    "That I don't know. There's something wrong that I can't figure out."
    "Who were the reincarnated ones back in your day?"
    "It was Heine and I. I possessed the ability to see the past and Heine could read minds."
    "So that's how you knew I could use them, you have had them before. Do you have them now?"
    "No I don't . Heine and I lost ours when we turned sixteen. Heaven knows why but that's what happened."
    "Hmm who was the mothers reincarnation for you guys?"
    "Another thing, we didn't have one. The cycle just ended there I guess."
    "So that leaves us with two questions. Who is the other reincarnated twin?"
    "And who is the reincarnated mother? So Mai, how does it feel?"
    " It has a sharp pain to it the first time when I saw mum and aunt Heine die."
    "Wait. You saw them die? As in you looked into the past?"
    " Yes I guess I did."
    " That's impossible!"
    "You unlocked a second ability."
    Mai and Shida continued to eat as they discussed more of the cycle. The cycle enabled the twins of each generation to have special abilities but this time someone without a twin possessed the eyes. And this person had obtained a second ability.
   At the station Rionoske, Jin and Rin were talking about doctor Yuji. Rin called for the meet up because she had found something very important.
   "So Rin why did you call us here?", Jin asked.
   "I think we need to talk about Doctor Yuji. We need to bring him in for questioning", she said.
   "Can't he died today in a car crash", Rionoske replied.
   " Wait that car that crashed into a truck was Yuji. Damn that's sad," Jin said.
   "Yea, if he was still alive we would have solved the case sooner," Rin said.
   "Why?", Jin asked.
   " Okay so yesterday I was going through the deaths of Heine, Makima, Shikoto Jaeger and Shikoto's attack and I found something."
   "Doctor Yuji faked the autopsy reports. I found two autopsy report's on Shikoto Jaeger's body from two different doctors."
    "What did the reports say?"
    "The two reports differed from Yuji's report. The two reports say that Jaeger died due to suffocation while Yuji's said that he was stabbed."
    "And everyone believed it?", Jin asked.
    "Yes. He was a well known doctor, one word from him is enough", Rionoske said.
    "What about Makima and Heine?", Jin asked.
    " Those were okay it's the one on Shikoto's attack that had something wrong with it."
    "What was wrong with it?"
    " Doctor Yuji again faked the report to make it looks as though he was almost killed like his grandfather. But Shikoto only received a concussion to his head and one stab wound."
    " Hmm that's concerning. Why would he want to make it look as though it was the same person and why change the report on the first victim?", Rionoske said.
    "I don't know. Jin something extremely wrong is happening here. That suffocation that happened to Shikoto Jaeger was done by himself. Jin Shikoto Jaeger killed himself."
   "You have got to be kidding me."
   "That's the same thing as Makima and Heine", Rionoske added.
   " Jin these people aren't killing themselves. There minds were altered . They didn't commit suicide, someone is making these people kill themselves. "

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