I wish I wasn't weak

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Skyler kisses Paul. 'I love you Paul' you may be wondering how did we get here? Well let's start from the beginning. Skyler is a normal girl in high school she has a boyfriend jay he is on the football team and skyler has all a's. Skyler is getting ready for school and she gets a call from jay. Skyler answers 'hey babe' jay said 'good morning baby girl how are you?' She said 'I'm pretty good' Jay  'I just wanted to make sure you were ok' she said 'ok love you Jake' she hangs up. Jay is nice most of the time and respects her but sometimes he try to make her do things she doesn't want. Skyler knows how to deal with people like this she has been dealing with it her whole life her uncles and even her own dad. Skyler looks at the time 6:40 shit the bus is going to be here soon. She fills up her water bottle and goes to the bus. Her two friends opal and Willa ride on the bus with Skyler. Skyler's stop is the first stop on the bus so she waits for willa. The bus stops gets on the bus Skyler 'hey pookie' Willa looks at her and smiles 'hey Skyler' Willa sit next to Skyler and they start talking about how excited they are there favorite artist radioactive zombies came out with new music. Skyler gives one of her AirPods to Willa and they listen to the music together and then they get to opal's stop she isn't there. Skyler and Willa don't think anything about it and continue listening to the new music. The bus stops at the high school and Skyler and Willa are the last to get off the bus.

Jay walks up to her and says 'good morning babe' Skyler looks upset 'Good morning' jay 'you ok baby' Willa walks away will hates it when people are like that she finds it gross. Skyler 'I just missed you baby' Jay puts his hand under Skyler's chin and makes Skyler look at him 'I know that's not the reason be honest' Skyler thinks for a second and said 'I'm just tired' Jay 'what time did you go to sleep?' Skyler '5 am' Jay looks at her 'I called you at 5am you were up you didn't sleep why not babe?' Skyler 'well ummm let's get to class i guess' Jay 'don't avoid my question baby' his hand gets tighter on her hip Skyler look at him with fear 'I was doing homework' Jay 'STOP LIEING' Skyler jumped a bit when he yells. Skyler 'please don't yell at me' Jay laughed 'why what are you going to do about it your weak' Skyler gets angry even though it is true she is weak. A guy named Paul walks up to us he is taller then Jay and he is stronger then jay and a lot more attractive. Paul has black hair and blue eyes. Paul said 'hey buddy what are you doing with her' Jay 'this is not your business Paul stay out of this. Paul looks at Jay Paul 'what did you say to me Jay' Jay repeats what he said 'stay out of this' Paul 'stop before I come over here' Jay 'why do you care' Paul 'don't make me ask again' Jay 'get the hell away' Skyler looks scared and unsure what to do. Paul 'look your scarring your girlfriend' Jay look at Skyler and Paul said 'don't be scared I will protect you' Jay takes a step towards Skyler and Skyler flinch's. Jay 'stop flinching you dumb ass' Skyler said weakly 'sorry' Paul look at Jay 'meet me after school' Jay 'your on' Skyler 'please don't fight' Jay punches her 'shut the fuck up' Skyler cry's and Paul walks to Skyler as Jay walks away Paul 'are you ok' Skyler cry's 'no' Paul look angry 'that bitch' he said. Skyler 'please don't hurt him please I still love him even though he does this' Paul ' there's no way u would not be able to live knowing that this is. Going on I can't just let him do this to your pretty face' Skyler cry's more. Paul 'hey it is ok please stop crying' Skyler looks up at him her face bruised 'please don't do this I will do anything please don't do this' Paul walks away.

Skyler sits under a tree and cry's. Skyler looks at the time 7:59 shit school starts in one minute. Skyler runs to the school and runs to her first hour class. Skyler's teacher Miss admin walks up to her. 'Hey are you ok your face is bruised' shit she forgot to put on makeup to cover the bruises. She looks at miss admin and lies 'oh crap it's just makeup I was practicing for Halloween. Miss admin looks impressed 'wow your good at makeup you know that would be a good job for you If you were into that kinda thing' Skyler smiles painfully 'ya can I go wash this off it looks kinda silly and i don't think it's good for school' miss admin 'ya be fast we have to work on your math skills' Skyler 'ok I will be fast' Skyler gets up and she is In pain but she try's not to show it she goes to the bathroom. Skyler sees people vaping and smoking she walks in and sees Willa vaping. Skyler 'what the fuck Willa' Willa looks scared 'shit' Willa looks at Skyler's face and said 'what the fuck happened' Skyler runs out of the bathroom and goes to a different one she cry's in one of the stalls her phone blows up with text messages and she sits here crying in the stall. Skyler looks at her bag and sees her sharp pencil. Skyler looks at it thinking about cutting herself to detract her from what ever the fuck is going on. She grabbed the pencil and stabbed herself as her blood drips down her arm. Skyler looks at the bloody pencil and drops it upset that she would do that over a stupid guy. She remembers that Willa was vaping in the bathroom and gets mad. She wipes the blood off her arm and picks up her backpack and goes to their mirror and covers up her bruises that she got from jay and puts on a hoodie to hide the cuts. She goes back to class miss admin looks concerned 'what took so long?' Skyler 'it's my time of the month sorry' miss admin looks at her and gives her the papers that they were working on miss admin 'ok' miss admin walks away. Skyler works on the paper.

Next hour she goes to class she has Willa in this she's so mad at Willa. Willa sits next to her Willa 'girl I'm sorry' Skyler 'shut the fuck up I'm done with your bullshit' Willas eyes widen In surprise Skyler never swears or stands up for herself. Willa sinks in her chair as the teacher starts talking. Skyler 'i hate this fucking class' Willa looks at Skyler and says 'hey what's wrong' Willa grabs Skyler's arm Skyler flinches Willa 'the last time I saw you in a hoodie was 3 years ago and why hell are you flinching' Skyler looks at Willa with a smile Skyler 'I was just cold' Willa 'bullshit there's no way your never cold Skyler what the hell is happening' Skyler 'just get the hell away ok I don't wanna talk to you' Willa 'I know your pissed but I'm concerned what the hell is going on Skyler' the teacher looks at them and said 'hey we don't all wanna here your conversation so please be quiet' Willa looks at Skyler upset Skyler thinks about what just happened in the bathroom. The teacher teaches and Skyler's face is full of tears. Willa looks at Skyler and the teacher walks over and said 'Skyler if your going to cry then go in the hall way please' Skyler leaves and goes into the hallway and Willa asked the teacher to go talk to Skyler the teacher rolls his eyes and said 'fine I'll make it fast' Willa goes out to the hallway and said 'Skyler what the fuck is going on today' Skyler looks at Willa weakly and says 'I I think that I need to go home' Willa 'ok can you say what is going on maybe we can fix it' Skyler 'my boyfriend is getting into a fight because of me and it's with Paul' Willa eyes widen in shock 'he what'

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