Chapter 12 - Bold

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"How bold! Consort Zhang dared to offend and humiliate me in front of the Empress, and you're just going to stand by and watch!" Lan Guifei (Noble Consort Lan) exclaimed.

The Empress shot a stern look at Zhang Liangyuan (Consort Zhang). It was clear that nothing good would come from her opening her mouth—she always managed to offend everyone.

"Guifei, surely you know that Consort Zhang is careless with her words and doesn't mean any harm. There's no need to hold a grudge against her," the Empress responded, trying to smooth things over.

The truth was, that punishing Zhang Liangyuan would cause trouble with the Empress Dowager, and the Empress wasn't prepared to deal with that. Though the Empress Dowager didn't show particular favor to Zhang, she still wouldn't tolerate excessive mistreatment of a member of the Zhang family.

"Hmph, I had no idea that even a dignified Guifei could not punish a mere Consort," Lan Guifei retorted, rising to her feet, completely undeterred by Zhang's connection to the Empress Dowager.

"Someone, come here!" Lan Guifei called out.

Soon, a maid and eunuch entered the hall.

"Consort Zhang dared to speak insolently to me. Slap her five times," Lan Guifei commanded.

The Empress didn't show any emotion as Lan Guifei's servants carried out the punishment, nor did she interfere. After the slaps, the Empress calmly scolded Lan Guifei and then dismissed everyone.

Later, Bai Jingxian (Liliangdi Bai) learned about the incident from Xiao Li (Little Li) and chuckled. "It has nothing to do with us," she said lightly.

Lan Guifei's punishment of Zhang Liangyuan had no relevance to her. After all, she hadn't even been present.

"Your Majesty, the Emperor has sent many gifts, including some fine fabrics. Since Chun Yu is skilled at sewing, why don't we ask her to make you a few new outfits?" Chun Feng suggested, eager to change the topic.

"That sounds great! I didn't know Chun Yu was so talented," Bai Jingxian replied, excited at the prospect of new clothes.

What woman could resist beautiful clothing? The styles of this era were elegant and colorful, reminiscent of the Tang Dynasty, unlike the restrictive clothing of the Qing Dynasty. Only a few forbidden colors were off-limits, but otherwise, she could wear whatever she liked.

Chun Feng then explained Chun Yu's background in detail. As Bai Jingxian listened, she smiled, realizing her good fortune. Chun Yu likely had connections to the Emperor's inner circle, making her an even more valuable asset.

Meanwhile, the palace was abuzz with speculation about Lan Guifei's standing. Though she remained a favored consort, the Emperor's true feelings were always difficult to decipher. And while the Emperor had spent the night in Lan Guifei's palace, gifts kept flowing into Bai Jingxian's quarters, drawing envious stares from others.

When Bai Jingxian attended the Empress's audience, she could practically feel the jealousy emanating from the other consorts. But she paid it no mind—her focus was on maintaining the Emperor's favor. Others saw her as naïve, but she had her own plans.

In the imperial garden, Bai Jingxian listened to Defei (Noble Consort De) complain about Lan Guifei's arrogance. Defei claimed that Lan Guifei disrespected the Empress at every turn.

Bai Jingxian thought it was amusing. Wasn't it the fate of every Empress to be overshadowed by a more favored consort?

"You're too timid!" Defei scolded Bai Jingxian, clearly frustrated. "That wretched Wen Jieyu (Concubine Wen) mocks you, and you don't even stand up for yourself! If it weren't for the Empress stepping in, who knows how much worse things would have been."

Bai Jingxian adopted a docile expression and said with feigned shyness, "With the Empress and Defei protecting me, it's alright if I'm a little timid. I trust both of you completely."

Defei was pleased with this response—it was exactly the attitude she and the Empress wanted from Bai Jingxian.

"I was born into a humble family," Bai Jingxian continued, "and I've always been bullied by my elder sister because of my looks. I've longed for the warmth of sisterhood, and now that I have the Empress and Defei looking after me, I couldn't be more grateful."

As she finished speaking, Bai Jingxian dabbed at her eyes with a handkerchief, her expression full of gratitude and emotion.

Defei was just about to tease her when an untimely voice interrupted.

"Well, well, if it isn't Liliangdi Bai," said Wen Jieyu, striding forward with a smug look. "Your eyes are all red—no doubt from crying! If the Emperor saw this, he'd be heartbroken. Even I feel sorry for you."

Wen Jieyu sneered, "Such a beauty as you might even outshine Lan Guifei herself!"

Bai Jingxian mentally rolled her eyes. This woman had no sense—first, she accused Bai Jingxian of feigning distress to win the Emperor's sympathy, and now she was comparing her to Lan Guifei. Was Wen Jieyu trying to hasten her own demise?

"Empty words are no substitute for true compassion," Bai Jingxian replied calmly. "The Emperor feels sorry for me, which is why he sends me so many gifts. But how does Jieyu plan to show her concern for me? With just words?"

"Lan Guifei is as elegant as a lotus blossom—how could a mere willow like me ever compare? Jieyu, please be mindful of your words."

Defei was pleased with Bai Jingxian's response. "Exactly!" she said, backing her up. "Wen Jieyu has such a clever tongue. If you really cared for Liliangdi, what would you offer her? You'd best head back soon—the sun's rising, and you wouldn't want to get sunburned. The Emperor might feel sorry for you again, and people will be even more jealous."

Bai Jingxian smiled, curtsied slightly, and prepared to leave with Chunfeng's help.

"Stop!" Wen Jieyu shouted, unwilling to let Bai Jingxian go.

But Bai Jingxian had no intention of listening to her. With Defei on her side, she had no reason to fear Wen Jieyu's outburst.

"Wen Jieyu, are you deaf? I called you!" Wen Jieyu yelled angrily.

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