chapter 1

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Am being shipped off to another boarding school yet again. That makes a grand total of five, but for the first time ever, dad is taking me, not my chauffeur.

I'm in the back seat. His eyes never leaving the road ahead. The car is way too hot and the silence isn't helping. He's quiet. I suddenly realize. He never seamed to run out of stinging words before...

I choose to take it as a small mercy from the universe.

"Listen," he says, breaking the sweet silence. I knew it wouldn't last. " I know this seems drastic and _ unexpected..." Quite the opposite actually. This seems right up his alley. "I wanted you to know that_ that," he was at a loss for words. The driving me himself is weird enough now this... "I know I haven't been around often enough but..." Ahh a guilty conscience," things are going to get _ confusing, but I want you to know that, it's the best thing," he looks at me through the front view mirror," for all of us. "

Its the look in his eyes. They were usually cold gemstone green like some exotic predator's but now they were _ deep with emotions. A gentle jade. Quite similar to mine. Identical to mom's. It made me sick.

"Can I lower a widow," I ask politely with a hint of disinterest. The same one that comes so naturally to him. I lower the widow next to me and a rush of speeding air cools the car.

I take a deep breath and the scent of trees and wet earth, cool and fresh, fills my nostrils. The air was so pure it felt like being born again. Like I've never used my lungs until now.

I stick my head out through the window to catch the site of a green landscape. Large trees with canopies. This was a forest, an old one. It seemed virgin. Untouched by man, with the exception of the road we're driving on.

But the air. It's different. I can't put my finger on it but its making my body come alive, my mind slumming open. Is this what getting high feels like?

"Lucas, rise the windows now," dad demands. Just as I was enjoying myself. I rise the windows, but then I saw a road sign, "Willowdon," it read. That must be where we are. Where ever that is.


A butterfly flys right Infront me as dad and I get off the car. Butterflies are a sign of transformations and new beginnings. The universe is mocking me.

I look around. Our destination far from what I had expected. I'm literally staring at a victoria manor. White bricked walls, moss, ivy and clematis smearing the lower half. Smooth pillers, straight on every corner. Gray roofs with a large glass dome.

We walk straight a head. An old fountain where it's stone had become brown and rusty is placed in the middle, the path going round it.

The whole place is strangely quiet. Too blank. The only sounds coming from the gravel below our feet and the swaying dripping leaves of weeping willows some distance away.

The garden is wild with thorny bushes. Nobody seems to be taking care of this place. Hopefully the inside would not be just as dull.

Right after the large wooden double doors we meet the reception. A skinny male with sandy blonde hair, frightening sassy wide blue eyes and a toothy but otherwise friendly grin.

He is in uniform. Dark blue with white lining on the edges and writings in red. Kyle. His name.

Dad talks to him then he takes the phone to his ear. A nun shows up moments later. Her wrinkled face glows with joy when she sees dad but she tries to hid it.

The two share a conversation in whispers as my eyes wonder off. What kind of boarding school is this? YOU ARE WHERE YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE. Its written on a golden plate on the wall, right next to a painting of a maiden holding olive branches looking all pure with words curved at the bottom.


The actual fuck. This isn't a boarding school. Are we hear to see a patient? Probably not considering I packed all my stuff. Am being dumped here, I realize.

I don't bother to hid my panic and I start to consider running away when the nun snaps her bony fingers and tight arms from uniformed security hold me. My mind starts racing. What the fuck. What the actual fuck. No no no no no.

Could it be a prank? I kick and bite and struggle in their tight grip trying to get free. I try explaining that am not _ good lord_ that I'm not insane. I bet my raging efforts are only incriminating me even more.

This can't be happening. Before I know it am in a straitjacket. I didn't realize how uncomfortable they are. I look to my dad for help, but his eyes had gone cold, back to normal.

With his pushback black hair and heartless green eyes. His all business suit, I remember who am dealing with. Boarding school wasn't enough. An asylum would do just the trick.

He gives me a quick look, up and down. The only good bye am getting. He then walks right past me and exits the building.

" Things are going to get _ confusing but I want you to know that its the best thing, for all of us. " I remember his words.

I should feel betrayed but I don't. Guess I was wired to see this sort of thing happen. Am more worried for my life, my survival . Soo much so that I can't help but cry. My mind seeking comfort, flashes imagines of my mom. Imagines of us playing Slay The Beast when I was just eight. Just the three of us in a giant house in Manhattan.

She made the funniest noises when I "slayed" her. I miss her. I want her here. She's the only one who never left my side.

The butterfly from earlier flies in and lands on the painting with the words," you are where you are supposed to be," a sign maybe. Or it would be if butterflies hadn't killed my mom.

To me, they are a sign of doom.

A/W: AAAAAH 😆 Can't believe I finally get to start this. OMG so excited.

So this is a brand new story which obviously happens in Willowdon. If you don't know what that is you should probably check out my first book, THE MURDER NEXTDOOR.

Still this story will make sense on its own considering I haven't even finished the first one yet but it does further the plot.

It happens three years later after the events of the original story and it will be a completely different genre but still the same vibe only sexier more Wattpad worthy😜 but you will see a few familiar faces.

Please comment your thoughts on this idea and let me know if you have any questions about either books.

Thank you bye 😘.

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