Chapter One

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I woke up to that one horrific sound nearly every teenager has to listen to at some point of their life.

The sound of an alarm clock.

I kept still, lying on my stomach with my face buried in my pillow.

"Just five more minutes...-" I mumbled, pulling my blanket back over my head.

"Kat! Time to get up! It's your last day of school!" My mom sang from down in the kitchen.

I heard the clatter of plates, and immediately, I could smell the delicious aroma of bacon.

No... No, it wasn't just bacon... It was my favorite... Maple bacon!

I snapped into awake mode and sat up, as my alarm was still on. Going, 'Beep, beep, beep, beep.'

I stretched out to reach my iPhone 5c and pressed the 'Alarm Off' button to make the sound on my phone shut up.

"Kat! C'mon hunny! Your breakfast is getting cold!" My mom yelled. I could hear the frustration build up in her voice.

I could imagine her downstairs holding my warm plate, and my dad staring up at her from above his newspaper, as they both shook their heads at the thought of me.

Standing up from my bed I walked straight to my mirror hanging on my door.

I looked like a complete and utter mess.

I grabbed my hair brush and pulled it down through my hair three or four times until I was satisfied.

I didn't really care about my appearance. I wasn't into girly things either. Like ponytails, and nail polish, and I definitely wasn't boy crazy like some of the girls in my school. I guess you could consider me as a tomboy.

But did I care? No. I am who I am, and people better respect that, because I was most certainly not putting up with them and their big mouth.

I hopped into the bathroom to wash up. I grabbed a facecloth out of the basket on the counter and soaked it in the warm water from the sink.

I never usually took a shower in the mornings. I took them at night time. It let me sleep in a little more in the morning.

I washed up my face and brushed my teeth to at least make me look like I put a little effort into my appearance in the morning.

I grabbed my cell phone off my nightstand back in my room and hesitantly left my backpack on the doorknob of my closet.

I almost forgot, today was Field Day. We didn't do any studying or work on the last day of school. It was just a bunch of sporty games.

The jocks sure loved this day.

I twisted my closet doorknob and pulled out my clothes for today.

My Fall Out Boy, black T-Shirt with electric blue and green swirling around the picture of the band members, and my light blue skinny jeans.

Then, grabbed my black and white converse and started lacing my shoes.

"Bye, Mom!" I heard my younger brother, Jack yell. He was two years younger than me, making him a sixth grader as I was in eighth.

I finished tying my laces and stood up to grab my phone.

Bolting down the stairs into the kitchen I went through the back door and around the house to the bus stop, so my mom wouldn't see I was late.

"Where are you going Kat? Don't you need breakfast?" My mom asked from behind me.

I froze and slowly turned on my heels.

"Nah, I'm fine, I have a granola bar in my bag." I lied.

"Okay, make sure you don't forget about it." She said, holding her steaming hot cup of coffee.

I just nodded and bursted through the door trying not to be late for the bus.

I could hear the squeaking sound of the brakes on the bus coming nearer, I started sprinting, sliding my phone in my pocket.

I was actually quite fast for a quiet type like me. I wanted to try out for the track team, but all I got were a couple laughs and a few shakes of the head.

"C'mon Kitten! Run! Like a Cheetah!" I heard one of the jocks yell.

I looked up to see Chase, one of the eighth grade football players, calling me, by the pet name he made up, out of the bus window.

"Shut up!" I yelled stopping beside the bus to walk up the stairs.

I started walking through the aisle. All of my usual front seats were taken so I had no choice but to sit in the back.

All the seats on the bus were taken. I had no choice but to sit next to Joshua Davis. The stupidest high school jock their was.

"Hey Kitten. Saved you a seat, right next to me." He said mockingly patting the seat next to him.

I turned to face the front of the bus. There had to be one more empty seat. A seat without two people already sitting-.

"Sit you're butt down young lady!" The bus driver yelled.

I scrunched up my face and slid into the seat with Josh.

The bus started rolling and I almost wanted to cry.

"Hey, Kitten. Do you mind switching spots so I can have a talk with my friends?" Josh asked in a commanding way, ready to move.

"Please, no, no. I'm not letting you step over me and put your big butt in my fa-" I started, but it was too late.

"Josh!" I screamed pushing him over and into the aisle. He landed on top of one of the popular cheerleaders, Miranda.

"Josh! Get off! Go away!" She screamed, shoving him off her and right back to me.

"You gotta be kidding me!" I yelled.

His head smashed mine, sending my head flying at the window.

"Sorry Kitten, it looks like your bleeding." Josh said pointing at my head.

"No, really!?" I asked sarcastically, punching him right in the nose.

"My face!" He screamed covering his bleeding nose. "My beautiful magazine cover face!" He whined.

Well, I could see where this was headed by all the stares of the the rest of the school bus.

First stop, nurse. Next stop, principals office.

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