Chapter Twelve: The Dark Figure.

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   At the station, Jin, Rin, Suzaku and Rionoske were discussing what to do about Tenji.
   "What do we do about Tenji?", Rionoske asked.
   " I say let Rionoske meet him",Rin said.
   "It sounds like a trap", Suzaku added.
   " If he were to hurt Rionoske in any way, I will personally kill him with my bare hands", Rin said.
   " Hmm. I'll go with Rin here. Rionoske go to wherever he is and bring him in alive. He may be a criminal but he is my nephew don't hurt him unless necessary ", Jin pleaded.
   " Don't worry I won't hurt him. He is my friend too. I think there should be some officers standing by in the worst case scenario. "
   "Don't worry I'll arrange for that."
   While they were discussing Suzaku got a notification on his computer. Tenji had sent him the location as to where Rionoske is to go. With that Jin asked for local officers to secretly accompany Rionoske on his mission. Also, Suzaku gave Rionoske a bullet proof vest with a hidden camera in it so he could watch over him. With the preparations complete Rionoske went after Tenji.
   Meanwhile, Shida, Mai and Akashi were conversating on the matter of the cycle. Akashi told them that their previous understanding of the cycle left out important details. It was now made known to them that the mother of the cycle actually had quadruplets and their eyes were reincarnating as well. Also, the previous reincarnated eyes were in Heine, Makima, Shida and Akashi.
   "You and mum had the eyes?", Mai asked.
   " Yes we did. Your mother could compel and I could see the future."
   "That's insane, so people like you have been here ever since the Heinan Era?", Shida asked.
   " Yes but our reincarnation is different from yours"
   "The mother's reincarnation was in our side of the family. And they would never torture us it was just you."
   "So who was the mothers reincarnation in our generation?"
   "Our generation is where things got a little bit broken. The mother's reincarnation was in Makima."
   "Yes. Someone with the eyes also got the mothers reincarnation in her. She knew a lot about the cycle and how our abilities work."
   "So do you have your ability?", Mai asked.
   " No I don't and I know Shida doesn't have his abilitiy either. Let me guess you lost them at  16, didn't you?"
   "How did you know that?"
   "Do you remember anything special that year?"
   "No not really."
   "In relation to Makima."
   "I remember that I kissed her in that year ever since then I couldn't use my ability."
   "Yeah I know. Heine lost hers too right?"
   "Yes she did because she kissed you."
   " That happened because of Makima's theory. Power Nullification. "
   As they were discussing, on the other side of town Rionoske was on his way to meet Tenji Katagiri. Everything was in order, officers were on stand by and Jin, Suzaku and Rin were watching him through the camera in his bullet proof vest. The location where he was to meet Tenji, was a warehouse previously owned by the CREATE company. The warehouse caught fire a long time ago and became a meet up place for criminals. As Rionoske entered the facility there was a bright light that lit up the center of the warehouse, around the edges where speakers and in  the very center was Tenji strapped to a chair with a gun pointed to his head. The gun was mechanically engineered to shoot Tenji when he moved his foot off the release platform.
   " Come closer Rionoske we need to talk", Tenji said.
   "What do you wish to talk about?"
   "I didn't kill Heine. I was with that creature, it was the one that told me to assist. Its eyes were so compelling, I did whatever it asked of me."
   " Who is this creature Tenji? "
   " It's a person who has amazing power, they are smart, cunning and gifted. This monster will put an end to us, all of us. Death, Sickness, Injuries, Violence, Wars, Greed, Injustice, Jealousy, Pride, Dishonesty and Cruelty. He wants to put an end to it. Don't fight it Rionoske and everyone else watching me. This monster will cleanse all of you."
   "Tenji stop this nonsense and let me help you. Whoever this monster is we can put and end to it for good. Just please let some officers come in and save you. You don't have to die."
   Just then a voice was heard over the speakers. A deep almost inaudible voice.
   " Tenji remove your leg ", said the voice.
   " You see Rionoske, you can't stop the perfect monster . Please tell everyone especially Mai I'm sorry and tell Sakura I love her."
   "Wait Tenji don't-", Rionoske said but Tenji had removed his foot off the platform and the gun fired killing him instantly.
   At Akashi's house, Mai, Akashi and Shida were getting to the bottom of Makima's plans.
   " What's power nullification? ", Mai asked.
   " Makima figured out that if we were to get intimate with our counter part we would nullify our powers and give it to our offspring."
   "So that's how Mai has these abilities."
   " Makima knew that this time the cycle will end because you can pass our clans limits."
   "Oh no! It can't be ", Shida said worried.
   " Dad what's wrong?"
   " Its Shikoto he has abilities as well."
   "Yes he does. Makima told me that Shikoto can compel people and read mind's."
   "Wait in my vision the dark figure compelled mum and aunt Heine to kill themselves."
   " Then that must mean", Shida said.
   It all became clear. The one who killed Makima and Heine and the cause of everything going wrong in their lives was Shikoto Senju, Mai's brother.

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