Chapter 3

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Kai watched from the doorframe as Nya and Skylor played with Laurie in the little girl's bedroom. He didn't fully understand how they had the patience to deal with a difficult kid like Laurie, but they seemed to be having fun doing each other's hair and whatnot. Kai was content just watching—or, more specifically, watching Skylor.

Pride for the princess seeped through him as he remembered the courage she'd shown in front of Sleete the last time they'd run into him. He couldn't get the Dark Lord's shocked look from his head and he chuckled to himself. He was proud of Skylor; it was about time she stood up to that jerk. He noticed that ever since it happened, the princess had held a new, certain air of confidence with her. She was still somewhat quiet, but the lines of worry on her face had disappeared, and she no longer glued herself to the red ninja's side. Kai half-wished she hadn't broken away from him, but something about constantly chasing after her increased his attraction to her.

As he was thinking, she glanced his way and her eyebrows raised in surprise to see him there. He smirked at her and she shook her head, although a smile had crossed her lips. She turned back to Nya and Laurie as Kai looked over his shoulder. He straightened as he found Lloyd at the end of the hallway. He knew something had caught his attention, but he hadn't heard the green ninja's footsteps. Shaking it off, he pushed off the doorframe and walked over to his brother.

"Hey, buddy," he smiled.

Lloyd's eyes flicked up to him. His face was empty at first, then a smile suddenly popped across his lips. His eyes stayed blank and somewhat dark, but Kai didn't get a chance to study them before the green ninja pulled him into a hug.

Heart warming, Kai returned the embrace. He remembered how the green ninja had left him to talk to Jay not too long ago, and for a quick moment of panic, he'd felt his position as Lloyd's top consoler had been threatened. But he was here now, and he knew he'd overreacted. "How'd it go with Jay?" he asked as the green ninja pulled away.

Lloyd blinked up at him, seeming lost. "Jay?" he echoed.

"Yeah... when you wanted to talk to him?"

"Oh..." Lloyd thought for a moment. "It was good."

Kai frowned, unable to shake the feeling that something was wrong. Lloyd was acting odd. "Do you feel better?" he pushed.

Lloyd studied his face and seemed to think again. Abruptly, he sighed and looked away. "I don't know," he admitted. "I guess I still feel a bit... nervous."

So Kai's place hadn't been taken after all. Like Jay could've soothed Lloyd like the red ninja could. "Why?"

"It's about the Lightning Crystal," Lloyd blurted out. "I'm just worried it's not going to be safe... where it is."

Kai tipped his head. "It's right here in the monastery with us," he reminded him. "Nothing's going to happen to it."

Lloyd's face seemed to spark in unexplained realization. He turned his head away to hide his expression. "Still," he pressed, "the Sons of Darkness are tricky. They could've snuck in without us noticing, right? You know, with all their magic stuff."

Kai studied the green ninja, concerned about his behavior, but pointing out to himself that his brother always got antsy over things like these. He was probably just acting weird because he was afraid of failing the mission. "I doubt they could've gotten past our detection," he said, "but you can go check on the Crystal to make sure."

Lloyd looked back at him, fizzing eagerly. "Can you come with me?" he asked.

Kai smiled. "Sure, bud."

Lloyd seemed to be waiting for the red ninja to lead the way, so Kai started toward the stairs. The green ninja followed close behind, going quiet. Kai glanced at him as they walked, again noticing the haze over the blond's eyes. The green ninja's face searched everything around them, he kept his body tightly together, and Kai began to grow concerned. Was Lloyd really so stressed about the Lightning Crystal, or was there something else on his mind? Kai tried to reach into the green ninja's feelings and figure out what was going on inside of him, but the red ninja felt absolutely nothing in his stomach. His concern only deepened.

Flames of the Past #7: Seeds of Deceit (Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now