Chapter Thirteen: Makima.

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   " It can't be. Shikoto? My little brother. Why would he hurt us like this? He killed mum and aunt Heine, but why? What happened to him?", Mai said.
   " I'm not sure but I have a hunch", said Akashi.
   " What is it?", Shida asked.
   " I think he wants to end the cycle."
   " What makes you say that?"
   " Shikoto knows that this is the only chance he has to put an end to it. The cycle was disturbed in this and the previous generation, which allowed him and you to go beyond. The torture that he received from Makima must have made him think that the only way to stop this is to end the cycle. Our clan has suffered and seen so many losses he just wants to put an end to it."
   " So how does what's going on now contribute to that theory?"
   "Ever since the cycle began what had every one of you done in order to stop the mother's reincarnation?"
   " They killed themselves."
   " Exactly."
   " So that's why Shikoto killed Makima. She was the mother's reincarnation, putting  an end to her means stopping the cycle half way."
   "To make it full way. Mai and Shikoto have to reach their peak and then they die. That's how the cycle ends."
   " That makes Shikoto not so much of a horrible person. But that person I saw does not seem like he wanted to fix things", Mai said.
   "What do you mean?", Akashi asked.
   "He saw me when I was on the stairs at Aunt Heine's house. The day I watched her die in my vision. I couldn't see who those two people were but now it is as clear as day. It was Shikoto and Tenji. After Shikoto shot me- I mean me at that time, he turned and looked at me. He told me to enjoy what was about to happen. The way he said it, his demeanor, was pure evil. It sounded like murderous intent. I don't think Shikoto wants to end the cycle only, there is something else."
   " For Shikoto to end the cycle he must have knowledge like that of the mother's reincarnation. Hmm so that's the other reason he killed her. It must have been a gamble but it paid off."
   " What do you mean?"
   " To end the cycle Shikoto needs to understand how your abilities work. So he must have killed Makima in order to have that reincarnated spirit etched into him. He must have thought that what happened in our generation would happen in yours and looks like he was right."
   " So that's why he is doing this. He is doing what that soul wants him to do", Shida said.
   " Exactly."
   " Uncle Akashi, why tell us this now?"
   "Because Makima used Shikoto when he was younger to make me forget anything I saw concerning her dealings with Shikoto. The command ended when she died."
   " Shikoto has been able to use his abilities for so long. But how was he able to see me in something that had already happened?", Mai said.
   " Its either a wild guess or he can see the future. My money is on the latter."
   " So Shikoto has 3 abilities now."
   There were so many questions from this discussion that had arisen. Where is Shikoto? Why did he kill Heine? What did he do to Tenji? What else is he planning to do? Are just among the questions that were left unanswered. The sun departed from the sky and the moon clocked in. Time had run out. Mai and Shida left Akashi's house and went back to theirs and immediately ran to her room. Shida noticed this and decided to let her face her problems head on. Mai went into her room with Makima's diary and she began to read it for the entire night. When dawn struck, Shida went to check on Mai and found her in a shocked state. This was probably the first time Mai had truly shown any emotion. Shida looked at the bed and saw Makima's diary, Mai had read the entire book.
   " Mai what have you done?", Shida asked.
   " What human does this?" Mai said in a troubled tone.
   " Mai you weren't supposed to read that book!"
   " That electric collar she bought for Bolt ,our dog, she actually used it on Shikoto. Every time he failed to do a task she turned it on. Shikoto must have been in so much pain. Apparently Shikoto was able to use his ability to read minds at five years old. So she did that to him for ten year's. For ten years Shikoto underwent tremendous pain. She had him constantly working, she strove to make Shikoto understand what his abilities were until he was able to use it at will. But it took her ten years to fully make Shikoto reach where he is now."

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