Experiment 8

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Why should anyone be embarrassed about who they are , what they do or how they look ? Ill tell you why . It's society. It gives us an image to be like and they tell us we are weird if we are any different then that image. I'm not Going to say if it's right or wrong because that's all a matter of opinion I just know that it was this image that got us into this mess.

I think I have heard the speech on how disrespectful my class is about a million times this year. But I don't blame my teacher. We are! The boys are out of control pigs and the girls are all obsessed with their looks or the latest drama around campus. Then there was me, the loner. I was used to it. I was that weird kid you see in the movies in the back of the classroom just trying to hide and stay out of everyone's way . I eat lunch alone and I had no friends and I never talked to anybody, all I want is to get out of this place. Away from the druggies , the stupid girls, away from the whores that will do anything for a boyfriend , the dumb boys with their heads in the clouds and the guys with their minds in the gutter. All teenagers acted the same and i just loved to try and predict what they do and that is how I spent my freshman year and now the better half of my sophomore year. I was pretty good at it. If one girl came to my class crying I would try to guess why, like her boyfriend broke up with her,then I would listen to their conversations and see if I really was right . No one knew I did this. And what would they care no one ever notices me so what damage could I do ?

Suddenly the speaker in our classroom buzzed to life. It crackled waiting while for the usual raspy voice to come on. " students of copper creak high school we are currently on lock down , do not panic children just turn your attention towards your class tv" i heard faint screaming in the background. That might have just been my head tho ,we rarely use these intercoms for anything so it could just be static."teachers turn to channel 10 ". Our teacher darted across the room to the tv. He looked terrified as he clumsily made it to the correct channel and stepped back nervously playing with his hands. I had never seen him like this before. I grew anxious as I sat up strait and concentrated .

The screen was lit up with the image of a man, he looked to be in his late 30s . My eyes were drawn to his hair at first, it was a mess of dark brown locks framing his square face. Almost blending in with his hair was these bushy thick eyebrows. They pry never had been trimmed a day in this mans life. Next was his eyes, they were small and mostly covered by the jungle of fur but I could see cold hard grayish green eyes at had no life in them what's so ever. There were a few wrinkles upon his face , like the ones peering from the sides of his eyes and the smile lines he had. Then my eyes were thrown upon his lips, there was an eerie grin from ear to ear. he looked psychotic with that smile and it made all of us uncomfortable. I felt myself grow tense as they watched his unmoving form. We were all stiff and scared . I could feel it in the air.

Finally he moved making us all jump . " good evening America " he said addressing us , wait .. America ? Who all was he speaking to? " my name is doctor Jeffery Mcalden the inventor of the 'perfect body super drink' " I looked to the desk next to me where one of the red bottles in this room sat. EVERYBODY has had one. About a year ago the drink came out and all you needed to do was drink it to loose all of the unessasary fat on your body but a lot of people keep drinking them to make sure the fat stays off because no one wanted to work for a good body so we all cheated. Everyone wanted the perfect body.

" well" he said leaning back in his chair " the 'black diamonds', this secret organization of scientist helped me make this drink. they are a pretty interesting group of people i would say , you see they were all banned from their studies because their experiments were deemed inhumane or something of the sort. Well they all miss their scientist days and we all would love to conduct our experiments once more but the government refuses to let us so you know what we have to do right?" He paused as his smile increased even more as he let out a chuckle and leaned forward to face the camera " correct ! " he said as if he were answering what was on all of our minds."we have to over throw the government. " my heart seemed to slow down. This felt like a dream... No a nightmare

"you wonder how this is possible dont you ?" He said his grin wickedly gleaming on the screan. My stomache churned " well inside of my 'perfect body super drink ' is a tiny nano bot that I can make combust at the tap of a key on my computer " he gestured to a computer next to him " on this computer is programed all the names of people in america and all i have to do is find your name and BAM your done with . " he was lying i thought. there is no way this could happen !! i looked back to the screen "and we have a very lovely guest to help us demonstrate " the camera zoomed out to a man with a sack over his head. Dr. Mcalden tore it off. " welcome the president of the United States " my eyes grew wide as everyone leaned forward to see if it was really him. He was tied to the chair and held many bruises and cuts upon his face. His hair was greasy and eyes were tired as if he has been abused for days. I pittied the man as tears welled up in his eyes nearly spilling over. "P-please " he croaked "m-mercy on me " they spilled over as the doctor turned his back and walked to his computer as the president began to sob. " please please please PLEASE " he wailed "NOO..." It was to late I knew what had happened and I was lucky to have turned away to shield my eyes and I cringed as all I heard was a scream of a girl in my class drowning out the noise of a dying man.

I felt sick as I heard the voice of doctor return but I couldn't move to look at the screen. " now that we understand each other lets get down to business . You will all be boarding busses and drive to one of our many test facilities where we will evaluate you. Be warned none of you try and escape anyone who doesn't show up at this will have their nano bot combusted so I advise u to think wisely . "

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2013 ⏰

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