Part 1:The First Clue

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Usually, I'd hate educational classes like history and geography, but with a teacher like Indiana Jones, every day was amazing; especially today. I glanced at the clock, waiting anxiously for the bell to ring, holding my bookbag close. This was my final class of the day, I was in no rush to go anywhere, but I was excited to show the professor what I'd found, hoping he'd drop everything to go treasure hunting, just like he always did.

BRRRRING! There it was. I brushed my brown hair out of my face and picked up my bookbag, slinging it over my shoulder. I headed up to the teacher's desk, but waited for everyone else to leave before speaking.

"Yes?" Jones asked, staring at me expectantly.

"May I speak to you in private?" I asked him, noticing the door was still open.

"Sure thing," He nodded, walking over to the door and closing it before sitting back down behind the teacher's desk and adjusting his glasses. "Now what is it you need?"

"I heard a legend that seven ancient civilizations all around the world kept jewel tablets to hide all their secrets and record their most important discoveries," I began, but Professor Jones didn't look the slightest bit intrigued. "I've also heard if you bring them together, along with a special prism from a secret eighth civilization, it will unlock the way to untold riches hidden somewhere in North America, well, along with this key."

I pulled the necklace I was wearing out from behind my pink, short sleeve shirt, letting Professor Jones get a good look at it.

"Is that all this is?" Was all Professor Jones could ask me. "A legend?"

"I wouldn't have come to you if it was just that," I assured him. "I have proof."

I pulled a shining, red tablet out of my bookbag, smiling.

"The ruby tablet from the Incans," I explained.

Professor Jones raised his eyebrows.

"Well then, I guess we're setting out at first light tomorrow," he smiled, getting out of his seat and opening the door again.

"You think they'll be able to find a substitute by then?" I asked.

"I've done this so many times I'm sure they're not even bothered by it anymore," Professor Jones winked.

"Heheheh," I giggled, turning to leave.

"One last thing," Professor Jones stopped me on my way out. "Do you have any idea where these other civilizations could be?"

"It was said one should lead to the next," I answered. "If I could find anyone to translate this-"

"I'm sure I know someone," Professor Jones assured me.

"Alright then," I relented, getting up and turning to leave. "I'll leave this with you. See you tomorrow."

"Indeed. We'll meet at the café downtown at say, six o'clock?" Professor Jones asked me.

"Sure thing, Professor Jones, sir," I nodded, leaning on the door.

"Please, just call me Indiana," Professor Jones told me. "All my colleges do."

"I'm hardly-" I started to say.

"You are now," Indy winked as I headed out of the class at last.

On the other side of the hallway stood a tall young lady dressed in a black overcoat concealing her shirt, and brown jeans coming down to his shining brown shoes. She had orange hair, a big black hat, and some orange tinted shades. Though I couldn't quite see her eyes through her shades at this distance, I felt them staring at me. I froze and stared awkwardly back, wondering what on earth this lady could want with me. She eventually broke eye contact and started walking the opposite way down the hall. That was weird... I thought to myself. Maybe she was just lost or something. Maybe she was just as weirded out as I was that someone was still out and about on campus by now. Most people were in tutoring, not having private conferences with their teachers, especially not Indy. Not typically at least.

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