His Sacrifice

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The tall, blonde German paced around his living room, raking his fingers nervously through his hair. Where was his brother? He was supposed to be home by now! Sure he wasn't always one to be on time, but he was NEVER this late.

He jumped as there was a knock at the door. As quick as possible, he took ahold of the doorknob, swinging the door open.

"Prussia! You--" The stoic country paused as he saw an all to familiar Auburn haired man in front of him, looking like a complete mess.
Austria's voice was shaky as he spoke.

"G-Germany..." The man practically collapsed into the German's arms, sobs wracking his body.

Germany tensed, and refused to hug the Austrian back due to his awkwardness to physical contact like this.

He sighed, "W-What's the matter?!"

Austria mumbled shakily, "P-Prussia's gone..."

Germany's stoic, ice blue eyes widened as he staggered back a bit, pushing the sobbing Austrian away from him. He took a deep breath, "I-Is this some kind joke?! Some way to weaken me?!" His face was red with anger. He hoped to God it wasn't true.

The Austrian shook his head vigorously, "N-No! I would never lie to you like this! I-I swear I'm telling the truth!" He sighed, "Look...P-Prussia called me in a panic...Told me to meet him on the highway. He said he couldn't feel anything. So, I drove to him...H-He was halfway gone by then. He told me to say he was sorry."

Germany shook his head, "No...no no no no!" The German ran past the wide-eyed Austrian, quickly driving off to the highway Prussia always took home.
He couldn't really be gone...right?


Germany's grip on the wheel tightened as he spotted Prussia's car motionless on the side of the rode. He pulled over behind the car; quickly getting out of his own and running to the driver's door of his brother's car.

"Prussia?! Prussia are you there?!" The country cried out his brother's name as he pulled the car door open; finding that the car was completely empty. His eyes softened with the realization that his brother was gone.

Germany's breath hitched as he spotted Prussia's iron cross necklace laying on the driver's seat. His usual stoic blue eyes quickly flooded with tears and he fell to his knees. Sobs erupted from his shaking form. He hasn't cried like this in years and it hurt. Everything ached as he held Prussia's necklace tightly against his chest.

He cried for what seemed like hours. His brother was forever gone. There was nothing he could do this time.

For the first time in forever he felt weak. Helpless. Completely useless.

He wished he could've said bye to his brother. Why did he call Austria and not him? Was he not as important to Prussia as he was to him?

Germany wiped his eyes free of tears and climbed into Prussia's car, rummaging through every compartment. But as he pulled down the car mirror a letter fell onto his lap.

He quickly tore it open, his hands shaky as he read it.

Dear Ludwig,
I wish I could've spoken with you. You have no idea how much it pains me to write this instead of telling you everything in person. I've been feeling myself being pulled away from this world, but mostly away from you. You yourself should've known this would happen. After the fall of the Berlin Wall you should've known I would be destroyed. But I wanted this to happen. For your sake more than mine. I knew it was important for your country to be united, and I was willing to give up what last of my immortality to let that happen. I love you little brother, and I always will even when I'm gone. Please remember that, and please don't hate me for not saying goodbye. Please stay strong.

~Love Prußen

Germany swallowed hard has he staggered backward slightly, silent tears streaming down his cheeks. "Goddammit Prussia..." He mumbled in a hoarse voice.

His brother really did love him. Prussia risked everything for him and he never even noticed.

The broken German slipped back into What used to be Prussia's car and sped away. He didn't care how fast he drove; passing cars left and right. So many feelings were building up inside of him.

He was so upset his body ached with pain, and he nearly crashed into the garage as he pulled into the driveway of his home. He quickly got out of the car, eyes widening with anger as he saw the Austrian's car still in front of his house.

Germany trudged up the steps to the door, pulling the door open. His eyes narrowed when he saw that infuriating little bringer of bad news.

Austria stood up immediately, worry clearly seen on his face. "Ludwig...Are you-"

Germany quickly cut him off, looking away to hide his tear-stained face. "Get out of my house. Now."

The Austrian's eyes widened and his voice was soft with worry. "G-Germany I just came to help you. Just calm down."

"Calm down?!" Germany was practically bristling with fury. "My brother is gone, and you're expecting me to be calm?!" He grabbed the collar of the Austrian's coat and opened the door, throwing the poor country out of his house. "Just leave me alone!" He slammed the door hard and quickly locked it; blocking out the destperate pounds of the Austrian on the door.

The broken-hearted country silently walked to his brother's room. He collapsed on the Prussian themed bed.

A sad smile appeared on his face. His brother was always so proud of his country and it made Germany feel so loved to know he gave it up all for him.

As these thoughts flooded into his mind, his eyes slowly drooped closed. He quickly drifted of to sleep, clutching the blanket and Prussia's necklace tightly against himself.

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