Chapter 3: 10 Cloverfield Lane

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Maxine smiled when she opened the door. She pulled her friend into a hug. "Hey, Jade. Angel couldn't make it?"

Jade shook her head. "No, she had to go to a shoot tonight." 

Maxine pulled away. "Damn. Next time, hopefully. Come in! Dinner's almost ready and Addie can't wait to see you!"

Jade smiled and entered the house, closing the door behind her. The moment she stepped a foot into the house, a little girl's head peeked out of the doorway of her bedroom. Little Adrienne immediately grinned when she saw it was. 

"Auntie Jade!!" Adrienne yelled as she ran down the hallway and flung herself into Jade's arms. 

Jade laughed and hugged the little girl. "Hey, kiddo." 

Jade carried Adrienne as she followed Maxine down the hall and into the Thomas' dining room, where Loona was setting the table for four. 

Jade smiled and waved to Loona. "Hey, Loona. How's it going?" 

Loona smiled back at Jade. "Can't complain."

Thankfully, the initial tension between Jade and Loona over their shared feelings for Maxine had faded and the two of them had been able to become friends, much to Maxine's delight. 

Maxine's wife and her best friend were the two most important women in her life, and it made her happy to see them get along. 

Maxine walked into the kitchen and noticed that the timer on the oven had almost reached zero. 

"You guys go ahead and sit down," Maxine called out, "dinner's almost ready." 

Loona, Jade, and Adrienne obliged, and within moments Maxine brought out the food. 



Dinner was over, and the kitchen and dining room were mostly cleaned up. 

Loona hoisted her daughter into her arms, and Addie yawned, wrapping her arms around her mother's neck. 

Maxine allowed herself to gaze momentarily at the wonderful sight. Here was the woman she loved, carrying their adorable daughter. Loona looked up at Maxine and the two shared a smile. 

We're doing pretty good.

"I'm gonna get this little one to bed." Loona announced. "Say goodnight, Addie."

"Goodnight, mommy!" Addie said to Maxine. "Goodnight, Auntie Jade!" 

The two women wished goodnight to Adrienne and Loona carried her to her bedroom, leaving Maxine and Jade alone. 

Maxine pulled two beers out of the fridge and held one out to Jade. "Want one?"


A few moments later, the two of them were sitting on the porch outside, each with a beer in their hands. 

Jade took a swig of beer and looked over at her friend. "Are you okay? You've been acting... off all night."

Maxine looked back at her friend. "What do you mean?"

Jade looked down at her drink, looking for the right words. "All night, you've seemed like you're on edge. Like at any moment something could go horribly wrong. And any time something unexpected happened, like if someone's phone went off, you would jump like someone just chucked a live grenade into the room."

It was Maxine's turn to look down at her drink. "You're right. I have been off. It's this goddamn time of year. It's been almost exactly eleven years since-"

Maxine couldn't bring herself to finish the sentence, but they both knew what she meant. 

Eleven years since she was assaulted and murdered by the man she had been forced to marry, Lucas Wilkes. 

Maxine gripped the beer can tighter, making Jade worry that it might shatter in her hands.

"I know I should be happier. It's fucking Christmastime. Loona and Addie love this time. I know I should too. But every year when this time rolls around..."

Maxine set the bottle down and dropped her head into her hands. Jade reached over and set a reassuring hand on Maxine's shoulder. 

"Trauma like this doesn't have an expiration date, Max." 

"I know," Maxine mumbled. 

The two women sat in silence for a bit longer, both unsure what to say. After a while, Maxine started up another conversation by asking Jade how Angel was doing, and shortly after they Loona joined them. 

Being surrounded by the people who mattered to her, Maxine felt the hurt of the memories slowly fade away for the moment.


The next day.

The IMP office.

Loona knew what was coming by the time Blitzo approached her at her desk. 

"Hey Loonie, has... has Stolas called yet?"

Loona rolled her eyes. "No, dad. He hasn't called."

Blitzo fidgeted with his hands, visibly nervous. "O-Okay. Well, tell me if he does!"

Loona nodded as he walked away, and she opened up a document on her computer and made a slight edit to it. 

Times Blitzo has asked about Stolas since the breakup: 628

Stolas had ended his relationship with Blitzo just over three weeks ago, and the poor Imp was a mess. 

Loona sighed. She couldn't help but feel bad for her father, but then her eyes traveled to the framed picture she had on her desk of Maxine and Adrienne and she felt nothing but happiness. 

But the thoughts of her family made her think of Maxine and how she felt during this time of year. 

The two of them had been married for about nine years now, and Loona always noticed how Maxine changed during the winter season. 

And Loona knew all too well why Maxine felt this way. In fact, she had been the one to eviscerate the man who killed Maxine.  

Each year, Loona had tried without any success to cheer up Maxine during the holiday season. 

But this year was going to be different. She knew it. 

Loona had a plan to take Maxine and Adrienne to the human world, where they would celebrate Christmas. Surely, getting Maxine away from everything would help her during this difficult time. And plus, Adrienne would love to see snow for the first time!

Loona smiled at her own plan. 

Nothing could go wrong.

Chapter 3: End

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