Chapter 27

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In the room, Arth was on his knees, hands on the bed looking over Phil healing carefully, he looked a bit up at Vinc sleeping silently and back at Phil, All the holes closed. He put his right hand index on the hole on Phil's torso left pectoral, pressed a bit and it felt squishy then hard, he put his whole right hand on the left pectoral and pressed.

Arth(to himself): It's completely healed and even kept the same form? It's unbelievable that a human like that exist.

He looked at his right at Marcov who looked up at him, his tiger lying down on the ground in front of him purring as he is sleeping, head on his front legs, right above left one, head looking right and his tail undulating in a little S.

Marcov: You finished?

Arth nodded and stood up and stretched his head right, then left, looked up and put his left hand on his neck.

Arth: AHHH! My god, that hurts to stay like that.

He downed his head feeling tension in his neck contracting, he looked right.

Arth: But yeah it is finished.

He looked at his left wrist at a watch.

Arth: It took 10 minutes.

He looked up and turned right walking toward the door, raised his right hand a bit index up and rotated it.

Arth: I am going now, i have to be quick and give some company to my friend.

Marcov nodded, Arth stepped over the tiger's tail and turned right to go, stood at the door, opening, he walked out and looked left at the entrance hall, he shook his left hand 2 times in front of his eyes.

Arth: Am i dreaming?

Marcov turned his head left, tilted it a bit forward to see the entrance and Arth.

Marcov: Anything wrong doc?

Arth stood arms dropped and confused.

Arth: Since when. . . .

He bent his right arm and pointed at the entrance hall with his index, looking left at Marcov.

Arth: Since when there was a tree root blocking the light on this floor?

Marcov straightened and tapped 2 times on the ground kindly with his right foot, the tiger stood up yawned and licked his nose, looked right at Marcov who tilt the head left toward the entrance. Marcov walked in forth and his tiger followed, he looked at Arth like another crazy man.

Marcov: What are you saying, there isn't any herbs.

He reached the door and looked left, took a step in and went silent.

Marcov: Oh! yeah, that's new.

Arth walked toward the strange white wood 140 meters away, Marcov followed, the tiger sniffed 3 times, looked a bit up at the tree seeing a red lily blooming, the sent was sweet and comforting. Arth put his hands on the wood trying to push it, he heard a crack of the wood weakening but it didn't move.

Arth: That's bad, but it's falling.

Marcov looked at the wood and put his right hand on it, pushed it and felt it a bit empty, he looked backward at his tiger and whitled 2 times, the tiger growled and started running toward them, Marcov rotated backward on his left, looked at Arth with a smile and confidence. Arth stepped on the left 2 times rotated backward on his right, the tiger, jumped on his back legs, front paw forth and he passed through the wood, like nothing, Arth looked at the hole and at Marcov mouth open disconcerned.

Arth: HEH?

Marcov looked right.

Marcov: Third floor, he should land without damages.

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